1995 School Magazine

@irlE' Gramnrar Srlrool Z8rigbanr 1995

throw it out because it was off!). Fortr.rnately no food poisoning occurred, even if the soup was made lrom sea water. A1l managed to sr-rlive and vowed to retLun again some day.

Despite a few cases of sunburn and the occasional coral cut, mishaps were few and usually associated with culinary misfor- tune, (forgetting to cook all the coral trout and then having to


7'r irls' Grammar certainly left its mark on Perisher Blue U this year. The first week of the September holidays saw ,i0 Grammar Girls and 4 teachers hit the New South \fales Snowfields in a tangle of crossed skis and a cloud of powder sno\ ,'. Although the snow was rapidly disappearing (our instruc- tors were teaching us how to grass ski) Grammar girls cor-rld be seen on the slopes from early morning ti11 late afternoon. By the end of the week, Kate Bentley's fluoro pink ski pants had gained fame. or perhaps notoriety, and reports were heard of skiers fleeing for their personal safety when "the pink pants" ap- peared. Congratulations must go to Amy Bowe, whose painful br-rt spectacular tumble on International resulted in her bruising her hlp and ribs, spraining her ankle and knee, and sustaining two sr,rbstantial burnps on her head. \ile1l done, Amy. At night, the Man lrom Snowy River Hotel was definitely the

centre of Perisher's exciting social scene. Blue-1ight discos and propositions from randy Grade 9 Churchie Boys aside, table tennis games constituted the highlight of the evening's enter- tainment. Jokes like the "\ffhere's all the water going, girls?" routine from V/ombat, the comedian waiter, kept us in high spirits, and sporadic attacks by the "Undies Gang" kept our stay interesting. \fith much regret (and some severe sunburn, Ruth and Anna) we boarded our flight back to Brisbane. To keep us entertained on the return trip, Brooke attemptecl Vampire impersonations, and Eliza pullecl a really neat trick when she decided to taste the eucalyptr-rs smelling salts - before she stuck them in her ears. Thanks must of course be extended to Mrs Edwards (the birthday girl) whose thorough organization made the trip a great success, and to the 3 other facr-rlty chaperones - Miss O'Sullivan. Miss Dare and Mrs Steffens. \fe had a fantastic time.


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