1995 School Magazine

@irlg' Grarnmnr Scl.rool @ridbdne 1995


,-l-rhe Schools' Cup Volleyball Competition, held at the I Australian Institute of Sport, was competed in for the second time by a Brlsbane Girls' Grammar School team in

During our free time in Canberra, we managed to slip in a few sight-seeing ventures. \ilhilst we were there we saw Parliamcnt House, the Atistralian'War Memorial, the National

December of last year. The competi- tion inch-rded nearly three hundred teams, spread over twelve divisions, together consisting of over three thou- sand players from across Australia. It is the single largest annual sporting event fbr school stu- dents in the coun- try, though lt is only eleven years o1d. Our team of nine players, span- ning three year lev- els, was entered in the Intermediate Second Division. The team consisted of Belinda Haynes,

Science Centre, Black Mountain LookoutTower, the Austraiian National University, and of colrrse the Austral- ian Institute of Sport. '$(l'e also lound the time in our busy schedule for some paddle- boating on Lake Burley Griffin. Overall, the trip was beneficial for all participants. It was an excellent opportunity for us to develop our vol- leyball and sport- ing ski1ls, and was most rewalding for us as young tour- ists.


Emma Lane, Elisabeth Lorraway, Stephanie Smith, Georgina Adams, Anne Jordan, Phoebe Papas, Anna Puruis and Danae \X/yatt, and was accompanied by Mrs Sue Dickens as coach and Mrs Mery1 Papas. In the competltion we played eight schooi teams from different states, including New South'Wales, ACT, Victoria and Queensland. Among these was Macgregor State High School, who began as our arch rivals but ended up as or,rr loyal support group. Overall we achieved the position of thirteenth, out of a possible lwenty-three, in out division.

\[e would like to thank a1l those involved in the organisation of the trip, especially Mrs Dickens, as without her the trip would not have gone ahead. Thanks must also go to a1l the students (and teachers) who bought chocolates and helped to send us on our way.



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