1995 School Magazine

6irlg' Grsnrrnar StlJool l8ridl,ant 1995

Thanks must go to Miss Stephens, Mrs Ingram and Terrie Nipperess for putting so much eflbrt into organising ancl coordinating the trip ancl for putting up n'ith us along the way. KATE DAVIDSON ANNA PURVIS

this stage! Finally we boardecl the aeloplane to Syclney and befbre long (u.e11, fifteen hor-rls) r,'-ere back on familiar ground. Our final flight took us from Syclney to Brisbane, at the end of n-hich we s,'ere greeted by anxious parents.


island. No time q,-as wasted in setting Llp camp and be- ginning the arduous task of relaxing and frying . .. I mean sun-baking!!! A typit.tl day on the is- lancl usually involved a pre- breakfast flsh for the early birds. If the fish were biting then breakfast was olten missed as each hopeftrl an- gler eagerly awaitecl the "big one". It was not r.rntil the last day that Dr Rob hooked more than he bargained for,

r-rring the "last" w-eek of tl-re senior

school year - otherq'ise known as "Schoolies \[eek", a groLlp of thirty intrepid Grammar seafarers set sail for North-\flest Island. Ac- tual1y they didn't really sail. but rather chugged there via a,licsel powclcd lislring vessel. North-\ilest Island, 75km norlh-erst ol Clrcistonc. it the largest of nine islancls in the Capricorn group of is-

lands and reefs of the Great Barrier Reef. catching a forly pound Barracuda on a twelve por-rnd line Facilities on the islancl are limited ro three cornposting Activities also involved both day and night snorkelling, toilets. Everything e1se, including cooking, eaiing, camping island n-a1ks, bird u''atching, reading, swimming, relaxing, gear ancl water must be transportecl to the islanci. sleeping and the patient task of waiting lor a turtle to come It was with some degree of anticipation ancl excitement and ashore and 1ay her eggs a few cases ofsea sickness, that the group finally set foot on tfie

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