1995 School Magazine
@rrlg' @rammar 9r!ool GriEbant lg95
remainder of our stay was to take place. In San Fransisco we visited the famous Fisherman's \flharf and Pier 39. Some of us took tours of San Fransisco Bay from which we saw the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Prison and the Oakland Bay Bridge. rWe rode through the streets on cable cars and shopped at Macy's and Nordstrom De- partment Stores. V/e also participated in a night tour of the city which was beautiful.
After having successfully graduated from the eight days of Space Camp, we proceeded to Orlanc1o, via a late night and particlllarly nerve-racking stopover in Atlanta, Georgia (our bags took an abnormally long time to appear on the carousel). \fhilst in Orlando, Florida we "shopped 'ti1 we clropped" at a mall full of factory outlet stores. 'We also visited the EPCOT Centre (Experimental Plototype Communications of Tomor- row) and Disnelworld. During ollr stay in Ollando it was
intended that we have a tour ol the Kennedy Space and Rocket Centre, Cape Canaveral. This, however, was cancelled due to and in perfect time for the launch of the shuttle Atlantis, which was to occur that afternoon. In the morning we swam in the Atlantic Ocean at Cocoa Beach and shopped at Ron Jon's Surf Shop, before heading out lor the launch. The launching of the shuttle was an unforgettable experience ancl no doubt one of the highlights of the trip. After four days in Florida we flew up the east coast to Washington D.C. for a tour of the city. Here we visited the \(rhite House, Adington Cemetery, the Lincoln Memorial and the \fashington Monument. That evening we flew across to Salt Lake City and then directly to San Fransisco, where the
Our trip was nearing its end as we flew back from San Fransisco to Los Angeles. \fe had a six hour wait in L.A. airport which was quite tedious as most of us had run outof money by s6
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