1995 School Magazine
6ir[5' @rarnnrar $rbooI 14risbane 1995
tradition the seniors initiated baclges fbr the Heacl Boarder, Deputy Head Boarcler and Dorm Seniols in recognition of their' position in Boarding 1if-e. Hopefully this practice u,'ill continue. Another improvement to l3oarding lif'e has been the purchase of a new television and VCR lor the .funior Cornmon Room. As a result of one of our carwashes, we also donated trvo hunclred dollars to the Heart Foundation, in memoqr of Mrs McCarthy,
mother of Lisa McCarthy, a Year Twelve "ex- boarcler". Everyone in the Boarding House has en- ioyed taking part in organised ac- tivities throughor-rt the year. such as the Colfee nights, the BGS, Marist, Somerville ancl Clayfield dances, the outing to Ama- zons, excursions
Othel more minor actir.'ities year for the junlor grades, to u'eekends. Pairs of Year Eleven and Twelve girls took tlu'ns in escorting groups of YearEights and Nines on a myriad of ex- cursions, including the Botanical Galdens. The Riversicle ancl Sor-rthbank Markets, bike- riding. pic- nics, ice skating, roller skating, Ten Pin Bowling and tl're movies. These actir.'ities wele enjoyecl by all the girls ancl ena- blecl the Glacle Eights and the Nines to see the sights of Blisbane on a regular basis
were arranged throughout the keep them entertained on the
Annabelle Honter (.[.) ancl Sctpbie S'inunons
to the theatre, The Year Twelve Fashion Paracle. The Senior Boarders' Dinner Dance, ancl finally the n'iajor attraction lor the
Many of these Iloarding House activities have been re- corded on r.icleo by the tireless crew of Year Trvelves. The first shon inEa of this masterpiece will be at the Christmas clinner, at the end of the year. I hope this will be the beginning of a living library which can be added tcl each yeal and which u,il1 serve as an informal history of the lloarding House. On behalf of myself ancl the five other lemaining students w-ho have been boarclers from Year Eight to Year Twelve as well as the Year Twelve girls who have joined our family over the years, I lvould like to thank Mrs Parsons and Sister \r/hee1u,'right sincerely fbr their care, support and guidance over the most turbulent, challenging and enjoyable years of our 1ife. \ile'11 alw-ays remember our years of boarding. Quite frankly, they're pretty harcl to folget!
year, Miss Boarding House. As r-rsual, this n-as a night ol glitter and high fashion when the chan'rpagne set came olrt to strLlt their stuff for the pLtperazzi in the Gir'ls' Grammar auditoriurn. In keeping with tladition, judges of great prestige ancl reputa- tion were invited to attend. These includecl the inspirational Sister \fheeln'right, 1ovely ex-boarclers, Kate McCready, Dom Rueclegger and Emma ts),th, and the rnale contingent from BGS, featuring Simon Gleeson ancl Duncun Yuile. The n'inners of each section of the prestigious and r.r'or1cl-famous event were:
- - - - -
Miss Casual Miss Sport Miss Bad Taste
Jackie Smith Julie Young Belinda Dent Nicole Bon' Shona Smith
Miss Fr.rnky Miss Formal
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