1995 School Magazine


@irlg' Grammar Schoo[ l]ridbsne 1995

^ffiq YEAR II D


We cq,me into our senior years, with OP one in sigbt We'd planned to workfrom dawn till d,ark and well into tbe nigltt

And. as we s&id. goodbye to them we nearljt sbed. a tear butfond,ly tbey remind,ed us tbeir boqrd.ers dance u&s near We took the d.ance quite seriousll,t as Lae ahaays d.o ute optedfor the casual look..... cae bad some d.ctncing to do! Decked, out in our trackies and.joggers we realljt stole tbe sbon and uthy no boys asked, us to datnce we will neaer know! So again we bidfarewell to tbem but kneu we'd see tlcem soon cae had. our dq.tes uith destiny eacb Tbursday afiernoon. Our time is always occupied not just witb tbougbts of boys ute dqnce around, tbe d,orm and laugb; foreuer making noise! In preparingfor Miss Boarding llouse we cballenged, wlcqt was normal Eue ancl Sbona dressed as men and one was crotuned "Miss Formal" So now tbe year is near its end we look at ubat we'ae done we tbink of all the times we'ae lcad and. knolo tbat it's been.fun!!!

Ourfirst eaent u,as Amazons Lae came back burnt red raw, and. wbile oae missed ourfamilies we Laere back again and. glad,!


We began to plctn our social life we tried. to keep control

and. afier muclt d.orm d.ebate Boys'Gramlnal taas our goal We picked a night - tbefouttlt of March

to haae a.formal dinner and due to Clay as Romeo tbe nigbt turned our a winner!

Priscilla Karaoke uas aifaaourite of the nigltt and watclting the boys ctltempt to dance a quite amusing sigbt.


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