1995 School Magazine

6frlg' @ramrnar Srl,ool l8risLane 1995

Head Boarder's Report

Australia after spending a year teachlng in Japan. This experi- ence made her perfect for integration rnto the multi-nationalism of the Boarding House. Also welcomecl with open arms was the C1-ief Manager, Keith Rossiter, who created a totally new look with boarding house food - we've never seen it this good! Through or-rr fund-raising activities including two carwashes and the gourmet raffle, we have been able to contribute quite a lot to the Boarders'Amenities Account. Early in the year, using money from this account, new bean-bags and cushions were bror"rght for the senior common rooll, and the air conditioner was repaired, much to the seniors' delightl Beginning a new

fhe ycar cornmenced with a compliment of ninety-eight I borrders - a full house - and we maintained this number throughout the year. Althor-rgh some of our friends have left, they have been replaced by others, who have aclded their ener€ly and vitality to the Boarding House spirit. !ile welcomed into our boarding family two Japanese exchange stlldents, Kanako and Sachie. I'm sure they enjoyed and benefited from their boarding experience - a vastly different school atmosphere fi'om that in Japan. 'ffe've also seen changes in staff arrange- ments witl-r Miss Ti11ey becoming a part time mistress. She has been replaced by Miss Moore who has recently returned to


BOARDERS Back Rotu (I-R): P Stltbler, H. Mooney, V. Allison, A. Friend, N. Goddard, C. Mattheu:s, A. Isles, A. Hctrn, J Mole, M. YoLnTgs. L. Hdrrirlgton, K. Grffiths, Z. Ttr'nter Fiftlt Row (L-R): A Smitb, J. Smitb. K. Dakin, M. Steuenson, A. Woocls, R. Henclerccnt, K. Palmer,./.'llilnel:, S. .Smith, K,./ohnston, F. Camerort, L. Rapbael, A. Kettt. J. Rigb1, S. HJ)ne, S. Heap Fourth Rotu (L-R): L. McMullen, L Dobbrick, F. Hanger, A. Porter,J. Heap, Y Cheng, H. Murrcry, B. Dent, L. Lorrau)a!, N. Burke Shyne, A. Grainger, G. Godsall, C. O'Nei//, R. Bctut, S. Smitb,.l. Young Tlcird Rou (L-R): G. Thompson, L. Tsicakts. N. Warren, G. Hicks, K. Byth-Louden, E. Lane, C, Kok, N. Bernals, M. Shearer Smitb, K. Smitb, K. Sage, K. Wal.ker, S. Hannon, P. Cdmpbell, S. Herdy, P. Sbaut. A. Douns

Second.Rotl(I-R):M.Varma.,S.k:briscb,C.Mcleod,K.Coyne,R Corfe,D.Sage,E.Green,TRltan,A.Webl, R. HungerJbrcl, V. Godfrey, K. Pearson, F. Turner. M. Smith, S. George, M. Tietney, M. Hdmilton, S. McKeon Front Roto (L-R): N. Bou'. K. Benbam, A. tlrbancic Kenny, A. Varma, S. Simmons (Def)Ln! Hedd BctardeD, Sr G. Wheeluright, Mrs E. Pdrcons, A. Homer (Head Boarder), L. Charlson. C. Mackie. K. Saunders, A. Springhr:tll Absent: C. Burningham


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