1995 School Magazine

6irlg' @rammar Scbool @rfsbanr 1995

and we were delighted to have them both present and it made us realise how young our teachers were when they taught us fifty yeals ago. Animated conversation continued unabated all day. Photos and videos were taken and continued until 4.30 p.m. It was a day to remember. Old friendships were revivecl and arrangements \\''ere macle to meet for lunch the following week

before people returned interstate. The boarders met for the first time in fifty years and they had much to discuss. The day was so successful there was a request for another reunion in five years time, in the year 2000. Thanks from all present to Mrs Hancock, the Catering Staff and the Boarders for their combined efforts in making this event a successlul and memorable day. JEAN KITCHEN

TIre Thirty Year Reunion

There was fever at The Grammar, for the word had passed around, That the girls of '65 had come back home. Two hundred names were on that list, just ninety-five were found. The long, hard search showed most had chos'n to roam. And on that day it seemed to us that none had aged a bit Though each of us had lelt the time go by. Now the thirty years had slipped away but friendships were relit, For the bonds we made at school were not to die.

But the time had now arrived, fbr the group to tour the grounds Causing quite a shock to us it's very true. Now the boarders of the nineties, dine in style on carpet new in the grand o1d room we called Assembiy Hall, and the fine new gym down yonder, where our netball giris once flew. \fell, cor-rld \fE have mastered such a climbing wall? Dare we sneak a peak beyond the fence, where the Boys in Blue abound, o'er that stretch we knew so well as "No Man's Land"? At the "island" there were boys we met, also homeward bound. Just to speak to them outside the ground was banned! So the memories they flooded in, as we moved around the fooms, of the hymns and songs and afi we learnt back then. And the lunch breaks by the tennis courts, where gossip could resllme. \flell, we a1l agreed "It's great being back again". Our guides - our DAUGHTERS - dressed in blue, were shocked when told our rule of dress outside the gates in uniform. "Nfe must impress upon you, Girls, that you're ladies from our school so outside your gloves and hat must e'er be worn. And one inch above the knee gir1s, for we mLlstn't sight your thigh, \floe Betide too if a ladder's in your hose! You attend the Grammar School, where these special rules app1y, You are Ladies of the future, we suppose". In the evening when we gathered, \Wanganui our retreat, the chance to be beclecked in formal fine. At the tables we were silenced, and that was quite a feat, for to hear the stats on us it now was time. Ninety-one degrees amongst us showed that some of us could strive and the post grads numbered twenty - that's not all. The children numbered hundreds, grandchildren claimed were five. Oh, the thirty years! There's so much to recall!

Mrs Dingle joined us there, and some other teachers fbund They had shared that special time with us in blue.

The Steering Committee


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