1995 School Magazine
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s of 1975
Reunion -
[ 20 year reunion of past students attending the school Aberween I91l and 1975 was held on Saturday 29thJuly. Two functions were held, an afternoon tea at the school followed by a dinner at the Carlton Crest in the city. Many had travelled from all over Australia and even from overseas for the occasion. Alan Dale (whom we remember from 1975) welcomed a group of about 70 in the Boarders' Dining Room, before setting off on a tour of the school. \(/e were appreciative of Barry Greatorex's tour of the McCrae Grassie Sports Centre, especially as he is marrled to Pam Stern from our year. The remainder of the afternoon was spent chatting ovel'tea and scones. The dinner was a further opportunity to catch up with o1d friends. Following drinks and savouries, Jill Rowbotham we1-
comed everyone, eighty tu'o in all. Betlveen dinner and dessert, the Boarders, lead by Ann Brownlie gave a humorous descrip- tion of life as a boarder. Sheena Boughen (Head Gid 1975) also spoke and bror-rght back many memories. Lynette Utting provided some fun by drawing some lucky door prizes of school mernorabilia and also afacialdonated by Michele Taylor (nee \ilenck). It is a great achievement that alter two decades, we are still interested enough in each other to have dinner together and to tell our stories. A booklet containing a current address list and contributions from many of the girls is available from Diana Wood (nee Thacker) (07) 3378 7245 and Lynette Utting (07) 3397 2408.
Stand.ing (I-R): Tina Vinterflood (nee Weir), Jill Rctubotbam, Diana Wood (Tbacker). Seated (I-R): Liz Dietrich (Goodin), Amanda Dalton, Michelle Hanley (Steuenson), L-t lt(ll( I lli11E.
THE BOARDERS Stan.ling (L-R): Kdte Morris (nee Henzell), Iiz Ralston, Patti Geldar'l (Tlsomson),
Deborah Attby (C'ameron), Raeleigb L.tmbert ('Georgd. Seated (I-R): Ann Broutnlie. Ann Mclntyre (Bambllng), S an dra M att b elrs (Mclntyre ), Leitb Reynolds (Filbee).
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