1995 School Magazine
@trls' @rsmmar Stllool l8risbsne 1995
50 Year Reunion - MARCH 25TH 1995
Past and present photos were passed around, o1d friend- ships were renewed and old memories came flooding back. 'W'hat was our Assembly Hall is now the Dining Room, and here we had morning tea and welcomes. Mrs Hancock wel-
n the last Tuesday in January 1.945, one hundred and fifty thirteen and fourteen year old girls entered the gates of Brisbane Girls' Grammar School to commence their secondary education, one hundred and fifty girls entering a very different wodd. There had been almost five years of war and war restrictions still held. Our school clothes were mainly made by our mothers. Hats were hard to buy, so the panamas were many and varied, the black stockings, which after a wash or trvo would change colour, dark grey to dark blue. The world was walting for us. On March 25, 1995, eighty of these girls gathered for a reunion at the school. They came from Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Canberca and from many pafts of Queensland. One hundred and twenty'gids'were contacted. Those who were unable to attend were either travelling around Australia, travel- ling overseas or were minding grandchildren, and for some there was ill health either of themselves or their husbands. It was sad to hear fourteen had died.
Stctnding (L-R): Dorotby Connor (Farlottt), Jill Kirk (Seabrooke), Sbeila Leitcb (Williams), Joy Sterldrt (Argent), Carol Crew (Jdey)
comed us all. After morning tea the Senior Boarders took us on a tour of the school, a vastly different school from the one we knew fifty years ago. Everyone was impressed by the new Gymnasium, especially Mrs Rayner, our gym teacher Meg O'Rourke from the 1950's. Lunch was served, conversation continued and the memo- rabiha boards were closely scmtinised, again jogging the memories about forgotten facts and incidents and past students.
(L-R): Mary Elliott (nee Tlsurecht), Jean Kitchen (Robefts), Claire Mainstone (Spence), Geraldine Kettle (D'Eglon), Shirley Morison (Francis)
Prior to the day, the organising group of five, spoke to many people, and those contacted were thrilled, often asking "how did you find me?". Yes, we had to do some detective work, but once the first letter went out, information on "wanted" people came flooding back. Others said: "Will I know anyone? Will anyone recognise me? What will I talk about? Vhat if no one recognises me?" 9.30 a.m. on March 25ththe first arrivals passed through the door. There were instant cries of recognition and people who had not seen each other for twenty, thirty, forty, fifiy years recognised each other. The grey hairs and wrinkles disappeared and the "Do you remembers" started. The years rolled back and the conversation flowed. There was much laughter and jubila- tion.
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" r: ; ;;;,r; ; {;3 #" o' n "' The highlight was the cutting of the 50th year reunion cake by Mrs Rayner. One other former teacher Mary Brophy was present
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