1995 School Magazine
6rrld' @rammar $rbool IGriEbrne 1995
Representative honours went to Andrea Ho, who, as ollr Queensland representative player, combinecl a heaq, scireclule of lnter ancl intra State Fixture commitments with her QGSSSA A Grade games. NETBALL continues to be one of Australia's most popular women's sports, ancl this year we fielcled two nes,'teams in the social competition. The 8Cs and the 9Cs, coached by 1995 captains Louise Barber and Susan Anderson, meant that almost one hundrecl students were provided with the opportunity to represent the school. The season began with senior trials at the end of March and a Mobil Schoolgirls' Knockout Team r''as selected. Unfbrtu- nately, this team was beaten in the second rouncl by a nere one goal by Claylield Coilege, after conr.incingly defeating Keclron State High School in the first round. Most of the Mobil Team eventually achieved revenge. howevet, when Clayfield College was yet another victim of the Open 'A' Grade's glowing confidence and skill. Over the nine outstanding weeks ft'omJuly 15 to September !, some impressive results were achievecl by Gramrnar. These included a premiership to the 8A team and second placings being awarded to the 88, 98 and 9A teams, The most lncredible result ol the season. hou.ever, was that ol the A Grade, Alter finishing in ninth place in 199,1, this year's highly talented team continr-red to improve as the season progressecl to gain eqr-ral second with St Peter's ancl IGGS. The A Gracle's performance in this highly competitive spofi was most imprcssi\ e Representative honours were achieved by many of our playels in local association teams, and SusanAnderson gainecl selection in the Open Metropolitan East Schoolgirls'Team. This is yet another indlcation of the great potential that Girls' Grammar netball is to realise in fr-rture years. ffii'
the Nletropolitan East One and Two teams respectively which competecl at the Secondary School Girls' Hockey titles in Maryborough. Sasha u'as also selected in the Brisbane U15 teanr as w'ere Jo Little and Alexandra Farmer. Jane Morgan n'as chosen in the U13 Brisbane team and n':rs named vice-captain. Laura Black ancl Emma Walters are also to be congratulated on their selection in the Brisbane Thirds.
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TENNIS. which is t1're oldest competitive sport in the school, regained some of its past sllpremacy u.hen the A Gracle (Andrea Ho, Stephanie Maynes, Natalie Lyons, Louise Rolley and Katherine Hendry) broke a 12year drought to be outright premiers, and the D Grade (Fiona Lazar, Davina Frey, Marguerita Cohn, Sasha Steinberg, Rochelle Towie, MatitaHellen) and Grade 8 (Shona Millman, Kate Matley, Emma Marriott, Megan O'Connor, Kate Hodgkinson,Satah Bitomsky) teams remained unclef'eatecl and gained their re- spective premierships. The season opened rvith the nou,- tradltional 'Meet and Greet' morning - an opportunity for a1l players and sllpporters to meet coaches and fellow team members. This year, the intramural competition was held in Semester 1 n'hich proved a seconcl selection tool fbr all players and tl-ris preparation couplecl with team practices, ploved to be a successful fonr-rula for the teans. As the season unfolded. it became evident that Grammat' tennis hacl enterecl a new era. Enthusiasm was high from the first li,'eek of competition and successive Saturdays saw tezlms become stronger, both on and off the courts.
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