1995 School Magazine
6irlg' Grarumar $rltool XBrigbsile 1995
State Championships. Sarah Bitomsky again ran an excep- tional lace and was selected in the State Cross Country Team to run at the National Titles to be helcl in Tasmania. Aftel this exceptionai performance by our athletes, it was the job of the RHYTHMIC SPORTI!'E GYMNASTICS teams to maintain the standard and carry the school into the second semester on a winning u,'ave. Our dominance in interschool Rhythmic Sportive Gymnas- tics was reasserted this year, with a clean sweep ln all live competition sections. 1995 boasted the largest BGGS team in the history of the sport, with the introduction of a rope quad section into the competition. The inclusion of shadow teams into this year's squad strengthened the overall team perform- ance, and ensured the nurturing of talent fbl futurc ycars. Grammar's performance at the QGSSSA competition was simply outstanding. The opening lope routine from Grammar set the hlgh standard for the night, which was consistently maintained by all our teams. The Rope quad, Christina Sitcheff, Katrina Vickery, Brooke Kildey, Naorni Burke- Shyne, u,as immaculately execllted, and fbllowed by a similarly su ccessful Hoop group (Caitlin Hunter, Isobel Davies, Phoebe Papas, Cada Robertson, Kate Brown, Tania Hobson). The Ball grollp, Sasha Degen, Andrea Noon, Georgia Powell, Jane Rimmington, Farrah Souvannavong and Jane Vincent, continued the winning trend with a beautifully synchronised and elegant performance. The mood fbr the evening nas clecidedly livened up with a Calypso-style Ribbon extravaganza (fessica Bennett, Eliza- beth Hewitt, Amanda Merrin, Samantha Powell, Sarah- Jane St Clair and Nicole Thomson) and our Hoop and Ball Group (KateAchilles, Kylie Beem, Keri-Anne Butler, Lindsay Green, Jilt Guy ancl Jacqui Rigby) next ruled the gym floor n ith Spanish flair. Our performances were inspired by an electric competition atmosphere which can be attributed to the r-rnfalling support of the Grammar Cheersquad, the newly arranged competition
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T1're Junior A team continued to clominate their division and played to a consistently high level. They remained undefeated throughout the entlre season with scores often reaching double figures. At the end ol the season, the Junior A team had accumuiated a massive sirty-eight goals for and only one again, thirty-one of u,'hich were scored by Sasha Cuffe. The C team, in only their second year in the QGSSSA competition, picked up from where last year's team left off. The team won seven of their eight matches, drawing one with Ipswich Girls' Grammar, amassing fifty-four goals with Lauren Murray scoring tw-enty-seven. Thls outstanding result saw the C Grade team retain their premiership. The B Grade team also asserted their dorninance in their division. The team's tenacity and ski11 earned them many spectacular victories. Their determination ancl consistency were rewarded i,vith the equal premiership after a dramatic clraw between IGGS and BSHS. Tl"reir top goal scorer was Meg Harwatd with twenty-one gozrls. The A Grade team unlortunately rnissed out on the coveted A Grade premiership, which we won last year for the filst time in Grammar Hockey's history. This year, many of the olcl team returnecl with the addition of only four new players. Our overall position of fourth is not indicative of the awesome skill and strength ofthe team ancl the scores against us did not show how much we dominated play and possession. For the third year running, Grammar competed in the Sharon Buchanan Teistra Cup. \[e progressed through to the zone iina1, only to be defeatecl by Ferny Glove in a nail-biting match. Many of the QGSSSA players were selected in various representative sides. Nikita and Sasha Cuffe were selected in
structure ancl electronic scorlng. In the \flinter Fix- tLlres term, Grammar teams w-on eight prem- ierships and placed third, or better, in six- teen of the twenty-two competitions. Three premierships wele won in HOCKEY, three premierships in TEN- NIS, and one each in NETBALL and VOL- LEYBALL. The HOCKEY sea- son saw us defending our unprecedentecl lour premierships of 1994.
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