1995 School Magazine

6rrld' @rdmmnr $tl1oo[ Grtsbane 1995

Andrew Jarvis, the Stage Band conducted by Mr Stephen \flilliams, the Senior Percussion Ensemble conducted by Mr David Abelt, and the incredible improvement of the Second String Orchestra under the very capable direction of Mrs Anclrea Messenger. On this same evening, at the invitation of Mrs Hancock, members of the Advanced String Orchestra had combined forces v,'ith members of the BGS Stdng players to perform at Bond University for the Australian Heads of Inde- pendent Schools' Association Fifth Annual Conference. Under the baton of Mr Stephen Chin this group provlded a musical item for the opening ceremony, and represented the schools most capably. At the invitation of the University of Queensland Music Department, the Advanced String Orchestra performed a Corelli 'Concerto Grosso' at QPAC for a Secondary Schools' concefi on'Wednesday 30 August. Conducted by Mr Simon Oswell, and wlth soloists Susannah George, Lathika Vithanage and Anna Baranoff, they then combined forces with the University Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Mr Gwyn Roberts, to play the 'Unfinished' Symphony by Schubert. School Day was a showcase for each of the Choral and Instrumental grollps and ensembles within the school, as well as smaller chamber music groups, and individual performers. It was aiso a day which members of the Music Committee spent on a fund-raising mission. The Mr-rsic Committee and in particr-r- 1ar their President Mrs.Jennifer '$fest, Vice Presiclent Mr David Doley, Treasurer Mr Fred Hil1, Catering Organiser Mrs Tricia Hogarth and Secretary Mrs Anne Khafagi, as well as the many other Committee members must be thanked wholeheartedly for the most enthusiastic and capable way in which they have sr-rpported the staff and students of t1-re Music Department throughout the year'. The Committee has bought a Bass Trom- bone, JV35 Keyboard Synthesizer with stand and case, and a Fender Amplifier for use within the Music Department. \fe must also thank the Parents and Friends for their very generous donatlon of two tubas to the Brass Program. \fle were greatly in need of quality instruments and have already appreciated the incredible difference that these instrLlments make to the Or- chestra and Bands.

VALDA GILLIES KEYBOARD COMPETITION Philippa Ahern (12V) ACIE GILLIES COMPETITION FOR VIOLIN Leanne Day (10H) WIGHT MEDAL (PIANO) Kym \(/estbury (12O) GTTT IES ENSEMBLE COMPETITION The George String Quafiet Susannah George (9O), Lathika Vithanage (9B), Katrina \ilalker (11\f), Eliza Matthews (10G)

as weil as congratulating a1l the many students who partici- pated, and worked so hard over the weeks leading up to, and performed over the days of the Instrumental Competltions.

The Combined Schools Music Festival followed straight alter the instrumental Competitions, and the concefi on Sunday 13 August was the culmination of three days of very hard work by students from both 1oca1 and interstate schools. \With over five hundred students involved in a Symphonic \flind Band, a Choir, and Symphony Orchestra, we thank and congratulate Mr Bruce May and the members of the Music Staff at Brisbane Grammar School for the superb organisation and musically challenging program which they hosted so capably and for their invitation for members of our music program to participate. It was a great experience for the girls to work with conductors of international repllte such as Ralph Hultgren, John Curro AM, MBE, and Dr Roy \fales. The Beginnings Pageant on the 18th, 19th and 20th August celebrated BGGS' many achievements over the past 120 years. Members of the Year 8/9 Choir, Grammar Singers and Camerata Singers performed, conducted by Mrs Elizabeth Wilson and La Capella performed, conducted by Mrs Elizabeth Rrazier. Instrumental items were co-ordinated by Mr Andrew Jarvis and Ms Anne MacAskill. \7e thank al1 staff and stLldents who were associated with this thoroughly enjoyable presentation. Although not as well attended, the Third Term Music Concert was one in which the quality and professionalism of many of our groups were witnessed. Of particular note was the high standard of the Senior Concefi Band conducted by Mr


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