1995 School Magazine

@irlg' Granrmar Scljool ffirisbane 1995

Many of the Music Program's larger Instrumental Groups participated in the Queensland Festival of Music once again this year. Congratulations to each and every group for all the hard work and preparation that goes into participation in this event. Anothervaluable choral performance platfbrm for Grammar Singers durlng 1995 has been the Australian National Choral Association Gala Concert. Along with the Celebratory Serv- ice at St John's Cathedral, Speech Day, A Percussion Spectacular, a band "Fafewell" Concert and an informal VocalConcert organised by Elizabeth Brazier, this was the end of a most challenging year lor the choristers and instrumental- ists of BGGS Music Department. \ile were also fortunate to welcome many guests to the school for lunchtime concefis and master classes, some of

w-hich included guests from the Queensland Conseffatorium of Music, a recitalist from the QYO National Yor-rth Concerto Competitions, Ensemble I, and the Churchie Barbershop Sing- ers (alu,'ays a popular draw card!). nflithout the tremendous sllpport of Mrs Hancock, the first- rate expertise of members of our ovrn Music StafT, the co- operation of parents and the increclible spirit of a1l the girls who participate in the Music Program at BGGS, we could never achieve the AMAZING heights of perforrnance which we have enjoyed within the realm of the public and school communities in 7995. I personally and heartily thank one and al1 for yet another outstanding year!



thank Mrs Bain sincerely for her generous donation to the school and for coming in to talk to the Year Ten girls about the history of the collection. The Year Nine class has had a successftrl year, and during

\g/eli there has been plenty of "Rock Around The Clock" W and "Roll Over Beethoven" in Year Eight music this vear! Beginning with the developing

their study of "Music in the Media" composed a number of extremely successful jingles which were plo- duced and recorded on computer in the music technology room. This term Year Nine students are creating the sound track lor a short silent movie, again using the com- puters to record the final composi- tion. I look florward to the final pro- duction where the scenes are acted out for the class using the recorded sound track. Year Eleven students this term were studying how to compose for string quartets and managed to pro- duce work of a very fine standard. Later in the year we hope to hear some of these compositions played on assembly or during one of the many instrumental concerts towards the end of the year. Finally it is time to bid farewell to the Year Twelve c1ass. \ff/e will miss all these girls, not only for their high

concepts of rhythm and pitch and using classroom percussion inslnr- ments, keyboards and guitars, the glrls created and performed sor-rnd poems and mood compositions. Many of these were extremely creative and musically challenging. Everyone enjoyed pelfbrming the fifties' blues song "Rock Around The C1ock" on guitars, keyboards, electric bass and drumkit. After examining and listening to examples of rock music lrom the lifties to the nineties, the culmination of the term's work was a flancy-dress glt.rup oral prcscntation. on music from a chosen era of popular music. \[e are al1 looking forward to the performance of the AusMusic Group "Rol1 Over Beethoven" in the school auditorium and are sure it will be a great success as they review rock music trends through the decades. Recently the Music Department was presented with a fine collection

academic standard which made them a stimuiating class to teach, br-rt also for their capacity to give to the school and other stLldents so lreely of their time and talents. Both Mrs Trappett and I wish yor-r all the best in your future endeavours and thank yor-r for yolrr support throughor.rt the years. MR A. MELVILLE

of music lrom the family of Mrs Evonne Bain, and to help celebrate the "Beginnings" project, Year Ten gids selected a piece of music from the collection, arranged it for a small group and recorded the performance. This recording was used as backgror-ind music dr-rring the performance of "l3eginnings". \7e


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