1995 School Magazine

6irlg' @ramnrar Scltool T3rigbant 1995

she is an active freelance conductor in Blisbane ancl beyond. She was awarded the Da1ley Scadett Memorial Scholarship (jointly offered by the University of Queensland and the Queenslancl Consen'atorium of Music) in 1995. This prestigious award allowed her to travel to Er-rrope for an extensive stucly and research trip during Term Three. During this periocl of leave, Ms Cox visited ancl observed renowned condr-rctors and professional ensembles, and participated in international sym- posia and prolessional courses. Her research took her to Austria, Germany, Denmark and Slovenia, the home of great musical traditions, in particular, choral singing. There were several loci to her investigations - work with professional specialist chamber choirs, orchestral conducting, and issues pertaining to youth choirs. In Ms Cox's absence, BGGS rvas fortunate to obtain the musical selices of Elizabeth \flilson, a BGGS "o1d gir1", whose particulal mr-rsical expefiise and inter- ests lie in cholal conducting. One of the initiatives of 1995 was the String Camp fbr the Advanced String Orchestra and Second String Orchestra mem- bers held at Margate Uniting Chulch Youth Centre at the

cert were tLltors from the String Camp plus special guest artist Ms Jenni Fleming, and we enjoyed some wonderful charnber music from them as well as items from the String Orchestras. Senior Concert Band followed a fortnight later also with a weekend camp at Margate Uniting Church Yotlth Centre. Mr

beginning of TeIm One, TLIIOIS at the Camp were Mr Tor Fromyhr, Mr Gwyn Rob- erts, Mr Simon Oswell, Mrs Andrea Messen- ger, and Ms Bronwyn Myers. This proved a most rewarding and vah-rable weekend of mu- sic and fun. cul- minating in a wonderful con- cert in the Gehrmann Thea- tre on Friday 17th February. Guest artists at this con-


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