1995 School Magazine
@rr1$' 6r'flmnrur Srbool lGrigbanr 1995
\f/hetlier it was the strains of a 120 voice choir emanating W f.oro the Gehrmann Theatre, the cleep echo of a tuba, or the Kabalewsky Violin Concerto filling the corridors of S- Block at seven fifteen in the molning, these were just some of the rerninders of the busy musical calendar that macle 1995 a wonderfill year for the Instrumental ancl Choral Program at Brlsbane Girls' Grammar School. It has been a year of change within the program, br-rt also a year in which many initiatives were taken, new ideas imple- mented, sad farewells bade, neq,'lriends made, individual and group achievements attained and most importantly - beautiful music enjoyed and shared by al1 membels of the school flamily. Under the most capable leadership of the five Mr-rsic Captains of 1995: Bryony MacGillivray (Band), Kate Y/alters (Brass), Linda Siemon (Choral), Philippa \flest (String), and Kym
MUSIC CAPTAINS (I-R): L Siemon, K. Westbt.ult, K. W.tlters, B. MacGilliura.y. P. West
thank Mr Andrew Jarvis who stood in as Acting Director of Music and Mrs Messenger who taught all upper strings for the first live weeks of Term 3, while Mr Oswe11 fulfiiled his commitments as Principai Viola at the Carmel Bach Festival in California. Ms Emily Cox was appointed to the BGGS staff in 1995 as Director of Choral Activities, having taken choirs on a temporary basis during 1994. Apart from her activities at BGGS,
\festbury (Orchestra), the supportive and very strong musos of Year Twelve have achieved co-operation from the student body of over six hundred str-rdents who now participate in the Instrr-rmental and Choral Program. Staff changes in 7995 inclucled us welcoming Mr David Abelt as our new Percussion teacher, replacing Mr Darren Hulcombe; Mr Andrew Rootes replacing Mr Andrew Biedermann as Double Bass teacher; and Mrs Gabby Jarvis replacing Mr Hugh Ponnuthurai as Bassoon teacher. \We sincerely welcome all the new members of our twenty-three strong Music Staff, ancl thank past n-iembers of staff, as well as wishing them well in their futures. Sad1y, we said goodbye to Mrs Pamela Burnard at the end of first term, r'vho, during her time within the Music Department at BGGS had given so much enthusiasm, cncrgy and creative ideas to a1l of us, both in the staff and student body. \ilherever Mrs Burnard goes, muslc n'il1 always go with her as well as our best wishes. \fe were incleed also fortunate to welcome Mr Simon Oswell who replaced Ms Nlyers whilst on Maternity leave, during the first six months of the year, and also
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