1995 School Magazine

@irtd' 6r'smnrar Srllool TBrrsbanr 1995


- should individuals require the fbrmality of more organised meetings, then there certainly is opportunity to contribute in this way in many other Gror-rps in the School such as the Parents and Friends'Association, to name but one. Our thanks go to the school caterers for always providing a very satisfying meal preceding our meetings. Thank you, also, to Mrs Hancock for your continued suppofi and inpllt to our meetings - your comments and attendance are always very mr-rch appreciated. At the time of writing, plans are just being formulated for our hamburger stall on School Day. If you've never tried one of our hamburgers, I urge you not to miss out. The day is always extremely busy, but also contains much humour amongst the workforce - a day not to be missed. This is my last year with a daughter at the School and, with more than a little sadness, therefore, my last as a member of the Fathers' Group. I must say how much I have enjoyed my past five years of involvement with the Fathers' Group and more so the extra lnvolvement that that has allowed me to have with the School, together with a little more knowledge ol the vast array ol activities that is offered to our daughters. For those fathers who have not to date been involved with their daughter's secondary education (apart from dropping them off early in the morning and collecting them again, perhaps, late at the end of the day) I would encoul'age you to attend our Fathers' Group Meetings. I see the Fathers' Group as having a continuing and important role in the school community and am sure it will continue to provide valuable input to the School in the coming years. However, it will only continue with your participation. Thank you all for your sllpport and assistance during the year ancl I wish the incoming Executive every success for the luture. ROBIN J ST CLAIR PRESIDENT

T-h. Fathers' Group commenced this year with sorne high I activity in the grounds and garclening departments. On 15th Malch, the new McCrae Grassie Sports Centle was ofliclally opened and fol several weekends prior to that, members of the Fathers' Group spent theh first working bees of the year landscaping the hill below the swimming pool and installing a sprinkler system for the new shrubs and plants on that hill, digging and planting several new gardens, spreading bark around many of the gardens already in existence and general tidying where required. The lanclscaping was very well planned by Trevor Lynch. the immediate Past Plesident of our group and tire working parties wele ably coordinated and directed by Geoff Clarke, our Imbil and \florking Bee director. Thank you again Trevor and Geoff. The support for the working weekends at Imbil this year has been excellent, with numbers at the most recent visit being the best recorded lor some years. One more visit is plannecl on the last weekend in October and we ale all looking for-ward to another fiuitful weekend in the fiesh ail of Imbil. On 6 June we were again delighted to join the Mothers' Group lor our second annual combined dinner meeting. This year) the meeting was addressed by Mr Donald Pincott, the Head of the Art Department at Brisbane Girls'Grammar School. Donaid gave us a most entertaining and extensive insight into the operation of the Art Department, an explanation of some of the material covered in the curriculum, and also presented a video of the girls at wolk in various facets of Art. The evening was a resounding success. Our monthly meetings continue to be an enjoyable, relaxed meeting place for fathers to meet and be updated further on activities and matters concelning the school. (First Tuesday of each month 6/6:30pm.) The meetings are purposefr-rl1y informal


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