1995 School Magazine
6irlg' Gremmar $rloot lGrisbune 1995
Patents anrd Friends' Association Inco11)ofated
rrrhe Parents and Friends of Brisbane Gids' Grammar I s.nnot has again enloyed a successful year of fund raising and fellowshlp within the school. Our army of volunteer parents have worked effectively in the tuckshop, clothing room and bookroom, as well as on music and sporting sLlppolt committees, to improve opportunities and facilities for our daughters. The warmth ol fellowship, singularity and strength of purpose within the parent body bring success to our activities. The Mothers' and Fathers' groups once again take credit for organising a successful open meeting this year. Our combined dinner with the Friends of Girls' Grammar was a grand celebration of the school's 120 years. Funds this year have been directed to furnishings in the new gymnasium and tuckshop, tubas for the music program and air conditioning of the Bain building. In all, almost $100,000 in funding has been provided already this year.
The Valedictory Dinner in 1994, also hosted by the Parents and Friends, was an emotional and memorable occasion. Our dynamic gllest was lormer student, Ving Commander Julie Hammer and a wonderful night was enjoyed by all who attended. I sincerely thank the members of our executive committee for their hard work on your behalf and also the members of the academic, administrative and suppofi staff who assist us so willingly in our endeavours. In particular I would thank Mrs Hancock, our principal, for her strong suppofi and personal interest in the activities of the Parents and Friends.
Mrs Hancock witb Dr lan Broun, President ctf the P €" )'.
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