1995 School Magazine
6rrlg' Gramnrnr Scbool @risbene 1995
Mothefs' Group
he Mothers' Group of 1995 has been a very active and friendly base to support the School. \fe began the year with a traditional welcome to new mothers in February. On this occasion new mothers blended with more experienced school support to give a rich meaning to the word Welcome. This set the pace for what has been an extremely exciting 120th year fol Girls' Grammar. The relaxed atmosphere of the Year Eight and Nine Family BBQ's in first term, continued to provide a wonclerlul sollrce of shared fellowship in the pleasant atmosphere of the school grounds. Our regular meetings on Mondays have been well attended and we thank Mrs Hancock for sharing both herself and school news together with Staff Guest Speakers who are always so sr,rpportive. This is always a lovely opportunity for conversation over a light lunch in the boarders' dining room. Craft gror,rps have been active this year providing a wonder'- ful selection of lnteresting and useful items for sale. Our pre- selling day in the grounds of Mrs Sandy Maynes' lovely home proved to be a happy and successful day. Devonshire teas were served on the verandah and guests were treated to a most informative introduction to herbs and their uses. I wish to thank Sandy and all the mothers who gave freely of their cooking time. On 26th July our main ftrndraising lunch was held at the Brisbane Sheraton Hotel and Towers with an excellent address by our guest speaker Geraldine Doogue, renowned ABC presenter of "Life Matters" on Radio National. The day was very well attended and we were treated to an interesting insight into the nature of our community, the modern style of community that works for us. It was very thought provoking. The Combined Parents' Dinner held in the newly reflur- bished Auditorium was warmly supported by 130 parents. Mr Pincott, our guest speaker, gave Lls a wonderful background into Afi as a subject, together with an interesting insight into the girls' school 1ife. It was a humorous and thoroughly entertaining evening. The Card and Games Day made a wonderful return to the school calendar. The event was held in the same delightlul venue on Friday 1st September. This event was enjoyed by all who attended. Fellowship and school news are always a great source of conversation. Open Day followed with our traditional Cooking and Craft stalls, with all the goods provided by the greater school community. The End of Year Morning Tea for Year 12 mothers and the gathering at the Lyrebird Restaurant both provided a highlight to what has been a most sr-rccessful year. On behalf of a wonderful, dedicated committee I wish to thank Mrs Hancock and all School Stalf sincerely for the education and pastoral care given to our daughters. I thank all committee members for their generous friend- ship, help and support in 1995. PATRICIA PEEL PRESIDENT, MOTHERS' GROUP
Vctlunleers' Morning Tea
Voltntteers Monting Tea
7he neu clisplal cabinetJbr some oJ the school's art collection
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