1995 School Magazine
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@irld' Grammer 9rllool ffirisbane 1995
,Tlhe 1995 Interschool Christian Fellowship has endeav- Once again this year several members of I.S.C.F. have been I orlr.d to become a large and more recognised club at involved in a number of camps that are organised by Scripture Girls' Grammar School. There has been a sr-rbstantial rise in the Union during the school holidays. These camps have been
extremely beneficial and are a great way to create lriendships with those who believe in Christ. LS.C.F. attempts to make Christ known to the non-christian community of Girls' Grammar by organising several "reaching out" events. These include days when non-members learn a scrip- tllre extract in order to receive free pizza, and the selling of pancakes with icecreamwith the gift of a verse in the form of a scroll. These events do result in increased support for the club. Al1 members are very satis- fied with the progress of I.S.C.F. throughout the year and next year's committee is wished the best of luck. NATALIE DE IAGER Hashimoto and Sensei Takizawa, be part of Brisbane Girls' Gram- mar. I would like to thank Mrs Hashimoto and Mrs Takizawa very much for all the hard work and time they have put into this group, and also all the members whose time and com- mitment have kept the group together. Remember, al1 you students out there: don't miss the opportunity to become en- chanted by Japanese culture. It's never too late to join this fantastic group. ANSHU SHARMA
number of members of I.S.C.F. and it has been particularly pleas- ing to see increased enthusiasm from the senior school. Mem- bers from a1l grades have made great efforts to promote our fe1- lowship's motto 'to know Christ and make Him known' under tha capable leadership of BGGS 'old girl' Belinda Morrison. Meetings at Friday lunchtime involve discussions regarding topics such as peer pressure, excessive underage drinking and premarital sex. These sessions aid members to make appropri- ate choices in everyday 1ife. We have been blessed with many guest speakers as well as the innovative contemporary Chris- tian music offered by Peter Shirley.
r.s.c.F. Stand.ing (I-R): V Young, N. Searle, A. Llons, Miss B. Morrison. Seated. (I-R): E Cockburn, K. Neusome, D. Pasben, P. Mo?'rison Absent: M. Hamilton, L. Scholes, E. Gouard, E. Pederson, D. Kircber.
However, without Sensei Japanese Dancing would not
colourfu1 kimonos and the deli- cate style of dance the dancers display. The dancers are B.G.G.S.'s most unique, for Japanese Danclng is certainly one of a kind. \X/ith members ranging from grades nine to eleven, the group, although quite small in comparison to other groups within the school, has enjoyed the challenge of the dances along n ith the most intriguing music.
JAPANESE DANCING Back Row (I-R): Mrs Y. Takizawa, Y, Cbeng, A. Dennis, A. Sharma, M. Stalford, A. Huang Mrs Hashimoto Front Rou (I-R): I Lau, G. Tbompson, R. Bor, J. \'Vong
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