1995 School Magazine
@irlg' @rammar Scltool ruriEbgne 1995
T{arate has returned to B.G.G.S. after a few years of Orange beit gradings were passed I\ silence, with a vcngeance. The team, now over one Harrington-McFeeter, and yellow
by Yvonne Tenne and Sam by Alex Huddleston, Vicki Reilly, Kylie O'Sullivan, Claire Condon, Alisa Brown and Aletia Johnson. Many others are only just beginning, br"rt realize that the journey to the top is often more exciting than the peak. Those in the higher grades, however, do not see their challenge as yet accon- plished. A few have their sights set on coaching next year and all arc aiming to increase their skill and under- standing of the art. BENITA NEWTON
year o1d at the school, 1ed by Sensei McMahon, 5th Dan in- structor, has representatives from all grades. Membership has dou- bled in the last year and new karate-kas are always welcome. A respectful silence falls like a shroud over the bright sur- rounds ol the new gymnasium. Two seniors, Genevieve Stewart and Benita Newton, have achieved their 1st dan black belt certificates after years of ellort and dedication. Vivien Stewart and Colln Newton are also rislng within the ranks, holding the 1eve1 of brown belt.
KARATE Back Rou (I-R): 13 NeLUton, C. Neuton ('BGS), Y.7enne, Sensei R. McMabon,S. Ilarrington McFeeter, V. SteuaTt, G. Stetuart. Second, Rotrr (I-R): A Brout'\ C. Condon. A.Johnson, V. Reilly, A. Hutldleston, K. O'Sulliuan. Front Rola (I-R): A Hanel4 A. Roystot't, K. Palmer. Absent: K. Di Cailo, R. Tbng, R. Gethin-Jones. K. Burke, E. Rabemtula
Antonia Conomos
Terms 2 and 3 saw us initiate a cookie drive and another chocolate drive which proved to be very popular, especially around exam time. In August we assisted the Queensland Cancer Fund by selling fresh daffodils, badges, bookmarks and stickers. -We succeeded in rais- tng $922. Our fundraising efforts in Term 4 helped us reach our target goa1. I would like to thank every-
Vice President -
Linda Siemon
Harriette Lawson
1 995 hes been a success- I lul u"n, lor the Kirsten lack Memorial Leukaemia Com- mittee, established in memory of Kirsten .lack, a former stu- dent who died o[ Leukaemia in 1977 . The committee members have workrd hard to raisc $5000, which is to be donated towards Leukaemia research at the Royal Children's Hospital. Term 1 began with a suc-
body on the committee for rheir support and enthusiasm throughout the year and espe- cially Mrs Kimber who gave up many hours to help me make this year a successful one. ANTONIA CONOMOS PRESIDENT
cesslul M & M chocolate drive, which was soon followed by a Baskin & Robins ice-cream sta1l. W'e continued the exhausting pace which we set ourselves with a stall at Interhotise drama and an Easter raffle.
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