1995 School Magazine

@irls' Grammar $cbool @riEbgne 1995


.prom stamp collections to the Salvation Army's Red Shield I Appeal, from raising money for medical equipment in the Solomon Islands to raising the roof at the "Acts on Show" concert-\flhatayearl This year has been both an exciting and very successful year lor the BGGS Interact Club, and through the continued hard efforts of its rwo hundred members, we have been able to provide assistance to many worthy causes, both at home and abroad. The first fundraising initiative for the year was a raffle. This, however, was not iust any raffle. The prize was a limousine ride and a champagne breakfast followed by a hot air bailoon ride. This highly original and novel prize was drawn on assembly on the tenth of May and was won by Mr Overell. The raffle raised around $3OO for the students at the Dongdok Teachers College in Laos, whom we continue to support. Our next fundraising endeavour was to raise money for medical equipment in the Solomon Islands, an issue to which our attention was directed by Mr Briar Thomas (from the Rotary Club of \Tindsor). Thanks to the enthusiastic response of the school community to our chocolate campaign, we were able to raise in excess of $1000 for this wofihy cause. The BGGS Interact Club was once again pleased to take part in the annual Salvation Army Red Shield appeal. \fle take this opportunity to extend our most sincere thanks to the members of the Rotary Club of \findsor, our drivers on the day. The collection of stamps has been continued this year, the proceeds of which will be counted at the end of the year and used to help provide polio vaccinations in less developed countries.

This year has been a very rewarding and successful year for Interact, in terms not only of the volume of fundraising, but also the extent of the active participation of our members (now numbering over two hundred) and the interest in and aware- ness of different issues which have been aroused. Naturally, none of this could have come about without the tireless work of a1l the BGGS Interact members and many volunteers. Our heartfelt thanks go to Mr Briar Thomas and the members of The Rotary Club of \findsor for their continued support and involvement.

1995 Board Members

An enormous "thank youl" must go the members of the 1995 Board, namely Rebecca Haigh, Nicole Gaffney, Trinity Ryan, Zew\an Moore, Annabelle Hogafih, Alexia Marinos and Marina Kallos. Much gratitude is also owed to the tireless efforts of Melinda Henderson, the head of the Propaganda Sub-Committee. Interact's

successes in 1.995 r"rr,{^*';;!"'")" *u"owithout the co- operation and support continually provided by these girls. Last, but by no means least, the BGGS Interact Club extends a special thank you to Mr Bromiley. His incredible patience, suppofi and sense of humour have been an inspiration for us and were greatly appreciated throughout the year. The membership of BGGS Interact is growing every year, and we would like to encourage members to continue to support the Club, to continue to sllpporl a group whose effofis are directed toward the benefit of people less fofiunate than ourselves. SARAH-IANE ST CLAIR,PRESIDENT ro4

"Acts on Sbou"

Our major fr-rndraising initiative for Semester II was the "Acts on Show" variety concert. A joint venture of the BGGS and BGS Interact Clubs, "Acts on Show" proved to be a very enjoyable and entertaining evening, with a showcase of dancing, theatresports, singers and a number of bands from BGS, BGGS and Churchie. School Day will soon be upon us, and we look for.ward to continuing the success of the Chocolate \flheel, always a bona fide hit.

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