1993 School Magazine

them on 10 appi'opriaie people. This endeavours to support polio research and we are advised that 20 stamps buy one shot of polio vaccine. The stamp collecting is an Interhouse coin- petition and rivalry is fierce this year The past twelve months also involved numerous 1011y drives and equally decadent campaigns but all 10 raise money for good causes. With this money we have made donations to other charities including Lifeline and the "Save the Children" Fund Another successful fundraiser was the manning of a carpark at the Exhibiiion. This was kindly donated to the club for three days of the Exhibition. 11 was run at all times by interact members and the ever-suppoi'live Rotary members fi'om Windsor Special thanks must go to Mr David Balmanno, OUT Rotary representative, and 10 the Rotary Club of Windsor who con- 11nue to provide our Club with advice and assistance. We have also been fortunate enough 10 have the ongoing support of Mrs Hancock and Mr Emery. On behalf of the Club mein- bers, I want to thank all of those people for' their contribution 10 the life of the Club and, of course, the Board nTembers for their continual support. I extend my best wishes 10 the new Board which is soon 10 be announced. I feel confident that they will be able to up hold the strong success and high standards of the Club and contin- ue to help those who benefit so greatly from the work and efforts of the B. G. G. S. Interact Club Elizabeih Mackay, President I. S. CT. is. CF, stands for Inter School Christian Fellowship and OUT motto is "to know Jesus and 10 make Him known". This year has been very busy, with new members joining and a variety of activities taking place. Once again this year, Scripture Union has offered many Is. CF. holiday and training camps, which many of our members participated in and enjoyed Ihor- oughly. These camps are a greai way to meet people and learn new and interesting things

We have had many studies and guest speakers this year, and have discussed thoughi-provoking topics such as Christian living, making choices and decisions and the theories of evo- IUTion. We have also enjoyed fun and games days, such as our famous "Coke and Tiny Teddy" lunch. We hope that present members continue to support I'S. CF next year, and we look forward to any new members. Franki Richardson & Fiona CTawford


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Back Row (L-R): Mrs F. Hashimoto, D. Shellshear, C. rotheringham, A. Wilson, Mrs Y. Takiza\va Front Row (L-R): Y. Cheng, M. Brunskill, A. Cohn Although the Japanese Dancing Group has had a relatively quiet year, we have shared some new experiences and changes. We again participated in the Year 8 Japan Night, the venue having been changed from Chandler 10 South Bank This change in venue proved 10 be quite exciting for both old and new members, as we danced before nundreds of people in the Piazza. During the course of the yeai', we have also been foilunate enough to have had a new dancing instructor come to the school on a weekly basis. Mrs Hashimoio has taught us various new dances as well as broadening and improving our general dancing skills. Many thanks must go to her and Mrs Takizawa as well as the girls involved PUBLIC SPEAKING One of the most nerve-wracking assignments many adults could ever imagine would be to make a speech to a large and unknown audience. The girls at this school prepai'e foi' such a task within the curriculum, but some girls, mainly in the Senior School, also take pail in extra-curricular Public Speaking Competitions Senior Girls are in viled 10 express Intel'esi in competing in a growing number of Public Speaking Competitions which take place mainly in the early part of the year. TITe girls always perform creditably. The first such competition for the year is Lions Youth of the Year Quest, where one of the students is entered under the auspices of the Spring Hill Breakfast Lions, a warm and sup- portive group of local business people who are almost like old friends of the school. The Lions competition is notable for its requirements in the An it a Cohn, Yeai' I I

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Is CF Back Row (L-R): K. Hamon, R. George, A. Pashen, T. Sideris, F. Richardson, I. Cameron, D. Pashen. Second Row (L-R): C. Charles-Edwards, A. Hawley, M. Thomas, C. Pettigrew, R. Bryant, F. Crawrord. Front Row (L-R): M. Adamson, S. Ernst, H. Gough, I. Kennedy.

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