1993 School Magazine
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INTERACT Back Row (L-R): R. Towie, E. Dowries, A. Wright, E. Markwell. A. Craig, K. Miller, I. Had^. en, E. Dunstan. K. Roberlson. M. de Laat, B. ruge, M. woodhead, S-I. SI Clair. L. Walker, F. Templeman, F. Yales. A. Hirst, C. Howse. N. George, M. Uchiyama, K. Reid, D. Frey. S. Dee. B. Erreney, S. Ngo, V. Siu Filth Row IL-Rj: I. Young, S. May, M. Castrisos, A. MCTavish, S. Brown, P. Mackenzie. M. Crane. K. Man. N. Clover. I. Mole. R. 'Iyler, F. RDSs, I. Royslon, J. Ahemethy. H. Hamada, R. Gi. ierson, P. Short. I. Crombie. M. Lin, M. Henderson. M. Singh. H. Lawson. I\. Costello. Y. Vincent, S. Black. M. Brunskill. C. Tyler. Fourth Row (L-Rl: M. Siu. E. Lorraway, C. Auld, Y. Porter. G. lesson, F. 0'Donnell. R. Haigh. M. Youngs, N. Kearney, J. Langford. K. Weinthal, C. Rigby, A. Bremnei. . M. Dudsworth, B. Houghton, B. Shaw. T. Grice, K. Allen. S. Buckley, M. Crews, H-I. Kim. .I. Bunon. E. SIodart. K. nakiri, L. McCarthy. L. Dale. Third Row (L-Rj: S. Steinberg, S. Daley, C. Chapman. L. \Iildwaters. I. Schulman, C. Kim. .I. Wu, V. Lee. I. . Pomery. L. Wu, E. Wall, .I. Ascough, .I. inIes. R. Hannon. R. Hunger ford. N. RDSs, B. Newton. A. Tranberg. 'r. Tingle. S. Heilbronn. D. Huang. B. Huang, N. Gallney. A. Kers^. ell, S. Belts. .I. Lovjjj. Second R, ,\v IL-Rj: P. Sriniv:15n. L. Ryan. I. 'tI'usSIer. A. Chiu. s. B. Clarke. \I. SIe\enson, Z. Moor. M. Matsuda, B. Slamford. S. Simmons, K. Walker, M. Bosunquet. F. Gamble, V. Rice. Z. Bennetl. M. Hai. wey, D. Wvalt. K. Wari, N. Ng. K. I'hornas. S. Roberts-Thumpson, L. Davis. Front ROM, (L-R): K. Allen. E. Malthews. C. 0'Ncill. B. Me Lend. I. Curioplia. E. .ICnkins, K. Rohl. E. Mackay. Mr M. Emery. H. Weston. N. Mirza, I. Cuminos, A. Meeking. .I. (;\, ynne, N. Gionr. L. Rees. S. Kumeta. Absent: K. \\!hitchouse. INTERACT The school itself has produced many meritorious perfor- malices proudly reporied in Ihe Grammar Gazelle. New The past Inlei'act year 11as PIOved to be yet an o1her success for developments. exciting workplace expel'Ience schemes and Ihc club. The club members, over 100 of thenI. are to be con- acliicvemenis in sport, drama, debating and ITtusic nave all oralulaied Ibi' their outstanding Grithusiasni and co-operation occupied a high priority 101' 0ui' I'GPoricrs. in pal'ticu!ai'. tile Many projects nave been under laken throughout the year success of Old Girls has contributed 10 the school spirit beginnino with yet ano1hei' SOS. conceit 10 raise money for expressed in the newspapcr. By offering recognition o1' SIu- Ihc SOS. Qinlianage in Nail'obi, Kenya dcnis' efforts in Ihc community, through official clubs. ser- vice and fundraising, 111e committee hopes 10 engender fullheT The Club has supportcd several doorknocks. including the Red Cross Annual Appeal. Ihc Salvation Army's Red Shield slippori for these endeavours Appeal and more recently. the Blue Nurses Doorknock. All of Despite the arduous Iask of n, on it o1'ing inc PIGthoi'a or school these have been nTosi cnjoyable occasions and incredibly suc- activities, solvino lay-out dilemmas and mecling deadlines Ihc cessl'ul. We recently received notice from the Red Cross students involved have gained many skills in journalism, informino us that. as a Club, B. G. G. S. Interact raised a total coinpLiiing and organisation. We sincerely thank Mrs Cooke of $2166.14 WITich is a I'ecord amouni for the club and the and Mr Benneii for their advice and assistance in all ai'Gas of school. The girls arc 10 be especially congratulated on this Gazette PI'oduciion. Their contribution has made working on efl'on. the newspaper an enjoyable Iulfilmeni of oui' vision and will As well as this. the Club, with consisteni help ironi the school continue 10 inspire the next committee body, has made a massive donation of Lised postage stamps 10 Naomi Just and Johanna Sing Windsor Rotary Club, our sponsoring Club, who then pass
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