1993 School Magazine
The idea foi' a studeni newspapei' came from a group of 1992 grade twelve students and with 111eir suppori and encourage- merit all Interested group of 1992 gi'ade elevens got logethei' and pursued the project. Employing the expertise of Mrs Krisiine Cooke and Mr Paul Benneti, tile gi'oup decided on an aim and proposed the idea 10 Mrs Hancock. After five failed newspaper allempts previously, it was no wonder that Mrs Hancock was, perhaps, a little dubious. Her suppoi'I was Irispii'ing all the same and wiih liei' encouragemeni the editori- al committee got uiTdei' way willI producing the fii'SI is SIIe of the Grammai' Gazelle 1993's editorial committee consisied of: Naomi Just and loanna Sing (editors), 10 Larsen and Ei'ica Dunsian (sport), KynT Sinitli (ai'is), Eva Wood (design) and Taryn Bums (rea- lures). All agi'eed that within the school there needed to be a voice for the silldenis, by the students' The endeavour has also been an invaluable educational tool and has provided a medium for documenting school activities in a way Inai is less toI'm al than previous publications in the four issues PIOduced by the inaugural committee, 111e Grammar Gazette has I. eHected the bi'eadih of the school's concerns within its own precincts and with I'efei'ence to Brisbane and Australia. Fulfilling our 101e as a communicator, pal'ticularly with young people, the newspaper has di'awn attention 10 a variety of topics. The first edition addressed the Woi'Id Envii'oninent and Ihe second paid tribute 10 the late PIOf. Fred Hollows (inspiring some snidents to raise funds for his Foundation). By feaiuring views about the I'GPublican debate and the ci'illcal shot'lage of blood donors, 111e Gazette demonstrated its outwai'd-looking allitude. The Tetin 3 edi- lion deals with 111e consciousness of Iwo vital national and personal topics: The Year or tile Indigenous People and 111e need 10 buy Australian-made prodticis
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Earthworm Farming As a result of a successful School Day stall in 1992 we were able to purchase an operating Earthworm Farm this year. This consists of four trays made from recycled five and ten dollar notes and 1000 red and striped worms. We are feeding them vegetable scraps from the Tuckshop, manure from Imbil and strips of newspaper in order to get the required moisture and nutrient levels. 11 is hoped to sell worm castings as well as small starter packs of wornis in the future GRAMMAR GAZETTE One of Grammar's greatest success stories for 1993 has been the Grammar Gazette. The new student newspaper has pre- sented some exciting and challenging opportunities for both staff and students and has been received very well by the school community and public.
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The "Gazette" Team Standing (L-R): K. Smith, E. Wood, I. Larsen, E. nunstan, T. Burns Seated (L-R): Mr P. Benneti, N. Just, J. Sing, Mrs K. Cooke
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