1993 School Magazine

Since November last year, Silver Awards have been achieved by HeIen Gough (120)

DUKE OF EDINBURGH'S AWARD SCHEME The number of students becoming involved in the Scheme continues to increase. There are over eighty girls actively PUT- suino Awards within the school. Although the State Award Office is experiencing difficulty in staffing training and test thanks to Mr and MTS Lanham at our Outdoor c amps, Education Centre, we have been able to offer enough OPPortu- nities for our students to complete this section of their Awards, if they wish to do so

Christine O'NGi11 (11W) Jane ECkett (Yr. 12, 1992) Carolen Main ( 11G) At the Bronze level, awards have gone to Sarah Belts (10E) Rebecca Brown (11R) Kale EITham (110), MIChelle Harvey (IOH)

Sally Jordan (11L). Sue-Ling Lau (11L), Brooke Lynch (I 10). Solina Ng0 (110).


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Kathryn Reid (11W), Hannah Riggs (11H) Lindene Salnpson (I 10) Shiona Watson (11E). Einina Willianis (YT. 12,1992)


These girls are to be congratulated on their commitment and involvement in a wide range of activities and service to the community

(L-R): Christine O'Neill, Carmen Main. HeIen Gnugh. Silver Medal Awardees


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Back Ru\\, (L-R): I. Webster. A. Smith. F. Claus, S. Dee, A. Wagstaff, M. Youngs. M. Hanberfield. E. de lager, R. Hannnn Third Row. IL-Ri: K. Ma. N. Costellu, R. Haigh, B. Agriew, M. Scott, K. Budge. N. Kearey, T. (;rice, K. Allen. N. (;armey. .I. Sihota. Second Row (L-R): M. Matsuda, F. Mahuney. A. Marinos. E. reredoes. A. Boyce. D. \Vyalt, V. Stephens, M. Trenlin. K. Kakin. o I, . ,auvin. Front Row. IL-Rj: V. Siu, R. tieorge, .I. Langfurd. I Cuminos. .I. Starkey. Mrs L. Fairlie. B. Dunn. S. Black. I. (;\\ynne, I. Crone. . I go.

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