1993 School Magazine
Senior speakers. For the Juniors in particular, this is a first taste of the challenge of Public Speaking in the familiar and caring environment of a school assembly This rather low profile extra-curricular activity is preparing students for Ihe roles the future may present them. Their growing confidence is testimony 10 the success of this activity He Ien CGraghty
Impromptu Speech, where a current issue is presented to the speaker and she must begin to speak as the questioner stops speaking, so with no notice at all, the Speaker is required to speak lucidly for three minutes on such topics as "Is Pay TV desirable for Australia?" The student who copes well with this test deserves the title "Youth of the Year". This compeli- lion is only one of the many outside the school, but within the school, public speaking is encouraged through the Me Tie Weaver Public Speaking competition for both Junior and
LEI. ^KAEMIA COMMITTEE 1993 has been an extremely successful one for the Kirsien the tired parents and the ravenous actresses satisfied over Jack Memorial Leukaemia Committee. Established in the both nights. An Easter 1011y drive concluded our first term memory of Kirsten Jack, a past student who died of ventures Leukaemia in 1977. the committee works hard 10 raise money EaclT year. KITSten's parents, Mr & Mrs Jack, donate a Mary for Leukaemia Research. This year the committee raised a Williams Print to the committee and this year the print raised record amount of $4000 which was presented on Assembly 10 over $600. Term Iwo saw our most successful venture of Professor Smith, Professor of Haematology and Oncology at 1993, the sale of 1800 boxes of M&M's. Thanks to the con- the Royal Children's Hospital, in October. sumer population of the school, these sales brought us $1620 Membership in 1993 rose 10 120 niembers which is the closer' 10 our goal. For the first lime 111is yeai', the committee largest the group has ever been. These enthusiastic members participated in National Cancer Day (Daffodil Day) on wasted no time in commencing the year with four fundraising September 3rd. The sale of badges and stickers raised money events. A rather messy ice-cream stall in early February was for' Ieukaemia sufferers and heightened the awai'eness of the a roaring success. capital is ing on the summer heal. A Saturday nToming car wash at the pick-up area followed, with general public concerning cancer. School Day and a choco- late stall wei'e two more successftil fundraising occasions business ranging from porsches 10 a disgruntled pooch. The annual provision of Supper at the Interhouse Drama kept both held towards the end of the year
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LEUKAEMIA COM1\11TTEE Back Row' IL-Ri: N. tieurge, A. Hirst, L. \\'illiaiiis, S. Dec. C. ()'Neill, M. List. K. Smith. K. Teys, D. Ferrari. L. Walker. K. Kilpalrick. K. Charlion. R Rtiodveldt. S. Andersun, M. Rigg, H. Law. son, .I. Mule, A. Wright, B. Houghlon. L. Lacis. D. Frey, M. Uchi}, am a Fifth Row' IL-Ri: I. Burton. R. Hangh. F. \IUTgan, T. titice. A. '10/1nson. R. Wuuda. K. Vann, A. Bremncr. E. Mackay, .I. Langfiird, N. Kearcy. ,\. Smith. M. (;lovei. , I. Crumbie. K. Hinton, M. Dudsw. orth. B-I. Thumpson, S. Buckley. (;. 'Taylor. L. (;ihson, H-. I. Kim. L. Mason. K. Dakin Fourth Ro\I (L-Ri: D. Birch. .I. Booth. Y. Vincent, K. Salzman. A. Wood. K. Bentley. I. Singleton, .I. Knux, E. Couper. K. Ma, A. Mac'lavish. K. Greenland. B. Newton. C. Winti. an ken. K. Godden. D. Rued"""ar. L. Gadsby. M. Crane. B. Riddle, N. Pegg. B. Achilles Third Ro\\ (L-Ri: \. Gallney. E. ByIh-Lowden. K. Walker, Y. Porter. A. Craig. E. Studarl, D. nillon, I. I;iles. T. 'Tingle. F. Hunt. C. Auld, K. Lingard. E. King. A. Turn. L. Salnios. L. inui'nell. S. Simmons, L. McCarthy. F:. Nielson. K. 1.0gan. A. Merrin Second Row' (I, -Rj: 13. Haynes. C. May. A. Hubsun. I. Sihnla. T. Hirst. L. Siemnn, F. Gamble, E. Evers-Swind"11, I:. .juries, .I. Ascuugh. M. Kanllos. S. Butler. K. Allen, I\, I. Castrisos, S. Kurueta, L. Ryan Fr, in I R0\\. 11, -Rj: (). Loughlan, D. Cheng. Y. Tenrie. ,\. Crinumos, K. Coriumos, B. Elfcney ITreasurerj, \I. dc Laat ipresidentj. Mrs K. Kimber. .I. Hadwen (Secretary). P. Srinivasa. M. Cohn. B. Paine, .I. Silver. M. Siu, A. wring
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