1993 School Magazine
been a factor in our past and more to making the Tight deci- SIon that will position us alongside a growing world economy. The growth in opportunities for Australians lies in the service side of our economy, and more particularly in the information related industries; those industries that deal with symbols, sounds, words, numbers, and images. This is the fastest grow- ing employment sector in the world, incorporating such areas as media, education, research, medicine, business services environmental services, computers, language service, and finance. tits estimated that by the yeal' 2010 for the first lime the total export value of the world's service will exceed that of manu- facturers. At present it has taken us about 35 years to catch up on the world trend in the change between manufacturers and commodities. Sleepers, wake! The questions by students were highly percepiive and gave some assurance as to the quality of the next generation of decision makers and leaders in OUT community The afternoon was well summed up in the words of 10hanna Sing: Mi' lones spoke dboui Ihe as/?ecis of'AUSiJ'dtidii society - SOCid/ I'ed ^ ~.. -,, . .~ ". I ~'~ .. -, ~ J. , *'. \ \- \ \./******. ,. ^ ., ? ,, ^- ; * Calherine Brett and Virginia HDlliday with Life Dra\\. ings at Balmoral Design and Technology Centre -,. -,* I ,,* ,. ~\ . ,.. ,^~ -*11>.., . . ~... ~_ ~,* ' * ,^"' Balmoral Design and Technology Centre This year, Year 12 students attended a range of TAFE Colleges and Campuses which included Balmoral Design and Technology Centre (Visual Art and Design Certificate); COOTparoo College of Tourism and Hospitality (Food and Dining, Introductory Hospitality Modules) ; B ayside Community College (Art Folio Presentation) and Kangaroo Point TAFE (Beauty Therapy, Hairdi. essing). The school is one of the central campuses for Childcare subjects offei'ed from Northpoini TAFE College and this year has offered Children's Development Throuoh Music and Language and Literature from the Childcare Certificate Course INTEGRATED STUDIES PROGRAM "'''~"'~ ~ """"""""""";-:;I" ,.,..~ *..., .;- . ., . .,,, .,. *' '';* *,. ' ' ' **;*\ 11, ~ ~ ' ' 'ly;V!"~ ' * .-:. ..\.. I , -, ,, , : I; \. 11 * * t~'in\*\"' - **,,,.,.. ' I '"^-;**-t^!?.:~,;.-;-' .... .. ..-.,,, . \ f "\; ^*^,, ".- , The integrated Studies Program was created at the end of 1984 when Mrs Hancock suggested that the school extend the range of options for students in the senior school. Since that time Ihe course has continued its tradition of providing an innovative, Interesiing and academically appropriate program for its students' The program has continued to respond direct- Iy to changing SOCietal and educational demands during the past few years by involving itself in Co-operative Programs with various TAFE Colleges in the Brisbane Metropolitan , > * * ~ a ,, , . Assessment for Hospitality Course at COTAH ^.. 44 .... area ^^. 26 ~i. !;*^$53
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