1993 School Magazine
10 pragmatic and technical aspects involved in getting the news to air. As a working journalist and newsreader, Marie- Louise made an informed and informative contribution which provided an excellent and invaluable extension to student involvement in this vital area of their studies in English. in Third Term. Year 12 students attended a seminar on their set play, Ki'Jig Ledi', given by Dr Paul Ford, a teacher from King Edward School in Bii'mingham, who is currently on eXchange in Queensland. Dr Ford provided a cohesive overview of the main themes of what many regard as Shakes peare's greatest play, in a stimulating presentation which involved opportunities for student discussion and ques- lioning Whenever possible, as an important and obvious extension of Drama Units, works are selected which enable the students 10 see the plays in production. Most Year 12 students availed themselves of the opportunity to attend the ACRONYM per- formance of Killo Ledi. at the Cement Box Theatre at the University of Queensland. in October, all Year I I students attended a Queensland Slate Theatre Company performance at the Queensland Performing Arts Centre of one of their set plays, Diving Ib!' Pedi'Is by Katherine Thornson, who is one of Australia's In OSI talented contemporary playwi'ights. Thus in this, as in other areas of their studies, we endeavour 10 inIe- grate real-world experiences into classroonT activities in Subject English WRITER IN RESIDENCE, 1993 We were privileged and pleased to welcome Iena Woodhouse as our Writer in Residence for 1993. Iena 11as published col- Iections of verse, including E!'OS ill Ldndscd/)e, and is also a writer of prose fiction for young adults. SITe has been a recipi- Grit of numerous awards, including the FAW John Shaw Niolson Award for Poetry, the Rothmans Foundation Poeti'y Prize, and an Australian-Greek Travel award
(L-R): lessica Curioplia. Eva Wood, Deena Aiken, Writer-in-Residence Jena Woodhouse, Nanmi Just in these workshops, Iena Woodhouse discussed aspects and elements involved in the successful composition of prose and poetry genres, with particular emphasis upon the short story. Theoretical and practical issues were explored in a variety of stimulating activities, and students found the sessions 10 be boili informative and profitable. OPPoriunities were also PTO- vided for individual consultation on current creative writing projects, and many students, including some who were not directly involved in the Program, look advantage of such offers. Iena also conducted a Seminar o11 Australia Women Poets as an invaluable extension of the Year 12 Unit on Modern Australian Poetry. REDEFINING AUSTRALIA Redefinino Australia - a Post Industrial Australia - in the Twenty First Century was a heady issue foi. Grade Twelves post-exams and on the last day of Term 3 but became an invaluable occasion for' students 10 hear the ideas of the Hon Barry lones (MLA), one of Australia's most prominent strategic thinkers
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Year 8 workshop
(L-R): Ben Elthani, Katherine Henzell, Mrs M. Henzell MLA. Mr Harry lones MLA, .10hanna Sing, Mrs .I. Hancock
Students wei'c involved in the Wi'iier in Residence Program at Whole Year, small group and individual levels. Approximately seventy students in the Junior School who had expressed interest in participating in the Program wei'c involved in Writing Workshops and individual consultation sessions over the eight-day period of the residency. The five Workshop groups were vertically integrated. comprising SIu- dents from Years 8.9 and 10
Like Australia of the 1980's where there was a similar sense of seekino definition. of Australia inventing itself, today Australia faces another existential choice of either focusing back upon our past and our historical roots, or looking for wai'ds for oui' destiny in our geography and in our economy Our future we heard will owe less to "luck" which may have
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