1993 School Magazine
particularly interested in Debating. She was a member of the Senior Queensland Debating Union Team in Year 12. "I am grateful to Brisbane Girls' Grammar School for the valuable friendships I made there, and also for being giver the confidence to believe that anything I wanted to do was possible. " she said Kimberley hopes to obtain an Honours Degree and go on it complete a PhD "My aim is to write History books, especially Diplomatic History focussino on the Great Powers. " SALLY WICKS Sally Wicks, a student at the school until her completion o1 Year 10 in 1992. has demonstrated her dedication to dance by joining the Sydney ballet school, Ecole Classique. While attending Brisbane Girls' Grammar Sally cultivated lieT aca demic and artistic interests with distinction, achieving prize: for academic merit and the subjects science, history, music and speech and drama To pursue her ambition of a cared' in ballet, Sally has under taken the courageous step of moving 10 Sydney, where she boards with a family and can devote her lime to dance Twenty-five students from throughout Australia attend Ihi: day school for its high quality teaching in order' to maintain her school studies, Sally has chosen it study history and English through the Distance Educatior program. Additionally she has had promising success IT dancino competitions, being selected as a NSW and ACT final 1st in the ISObe! Anderson Awards. At Ihe Parramaitt Eisteddfod Sally won the classical and demi-character sec lions and she will perform the solo leading role in "Karada' produced by Ecole Classique for a dance festival at the Sydney City Hall Sally Wicks. remembered as a conscientious student in all heI endeavours, is congratulated for her achievements. The school coininunity wishes her all the best in her future career
my second week at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music, I knew I was doing the right thing. " Tanta has taken part in several operas at the Conservatorium in her second and third years of the B. Mus. performance course. When the renowned singing specialist Margaret Baker Genovesi invited her to become her studeni in Rome, Tanta was prepared 10 "give it a go" and see if she could sur- vive there, which she did by teaching Englisli and working in a boutique.
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Tarita Botsman
"11 was a fantastic learning experience, " said Tarita, "and when I complete my degree this year, I'd love 10 go back. I'm short listed for the Post Graduate International Rotary Fellowship for 1994, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. " A1 just 22, Tanta has had considerable success 11Tis year in major competitions, being a semi-final is I in both the ABC Youno Performers' Award and the Australian Singing Competition's Marthy Scholarship KIMBERLEYjOHNSTON Kimberley Johnsion left Brisbane Girls' Grammar School in 1990 determined to specialise in History. "I think nTy interest in History was inspired by Miss Williams, also I can thank Mrs Riggs for' fostering my love for books, " she said
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Kimberley. johnslon
Now ill lier Ihii'd year of an Arts Degree Course, majoring ill History and Japanese, Kimberley was awarded the Demiis Murphy Prize last year. as lop student in "PIOblems in AUSii'ajian History" While at Gi'am mar. Kimberley was involved in the Choir. and
Sally Wicks
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