1993 School Magazine
While at Grammar, Calherine won a number of subjeci prizes. "I often remember the quality and breadth of the edu- cation I received at Grammar with fondness and gratitude " she said, "also the encouragement provided by many excel- lent teachers. "
Last year, Kimberley graduated in Veterinary Science from the University of Queensland with honours, and was awarded the Large Animal Prize in Clinical Practice. She was offered a Tutorial Fellowship at the University, which she is combining with work on her Masters Thesis Uterine Micro Flora In the latter part of 1993, Kimberley look advantage of work- ing for three months in New Zealand, as a locum in a dairy practice. VICKI BUCHBACH In 1991, the Classics Department of the Universiiy of Queensland chose former Brisbane Girls' Grammar School student Vicki Buchbach as Greek Community of Biisbane Archaeological Scholar
Catherine Buckham
"11 is a continued source of frustration and anger 10 me, 111ai despite the lip service paid 10 equality, women are still dis- criminaled against in many (if 1101 all) aspects of life. " Catherine has several publications 10 lier ci'edit including Knowledge dnd Ajii'Iwdes of Meditd/ Shidenis jou, di'ds H/VIAIDS. She was co- author for a paper for Ihe British Journal of Psychiaii'y and various national and international conference presentations. Next year, Calhei'ine will stall woi'k as an Intern at Royal Brisbane Hospital which she desci'ibes as "both exciting and terrifying" 'In the fLiiui'e, " she said, "I hope 10 pui'sue post gladuate edu- cation 10 become a psycliiaii'isI, five nioi'e yeais. "
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Vicki muchbach
This provided her willI the opportunity 10 form pail of Professor Cambitoglou's Iai'ge ai'chaeolooical team on a two month "dig" at Torone, Gi'eece 111 June/July Inat year TITe excavations at Torone are o1 Immense interest 10 me in- bers of such a leant, all expel'is in theii' vai'jous disciplines Vicki was seconded to the Photogi'apliic Unit After graduating B. A. Univei'sity o1' Queeiisland in August 1991, Vicki undei. look post oraduaie woi'k in the Department of Classics Last year' she was awai'ded First Class honoui's, and I'eceived 111e University Medal foi' Outstanding Scholarship "Right now I'm not studying, but I will go on and do a PhD. ," Vicki said, "when I settle on a topic. in the meantinie I'm looking for a job in Ihe research area of the Fedei'al Public Service. " TARITA BOTSMAN During liel' years at Brisbane Girls' Gi'ainmar School 1983 - 1988, Tai'ita Botsman had no doubts as 10 what she wanted 10 do with he I' life "Since I was five, I have always wanted 10 be an opei'a singer, " she said, and her achievements so far point her ill that direction "I was involved in School musicals and the choir " she said, "and won the Junior and Senior vocal prizes, but when I was awarded the $4,000 Elizabeth Muir Operatic Scholarship in
KIMBERLEY DRIPPS Kimberley Dripps' interests while a student at Brisbane Girls' 31'am mai' School 1982-87, were varied
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Kimberley Dripps \ Form Senior, she played Ihe cello in 111e School 01'chesira, Nas a member of the A1hene Club and took part in cross :ounii'y running. 'I always knew I wanted 10 do somethino in Science, " she iaid, "and I particularly appleciaied the intel'action I had with jighly motivated girls, and the wide spread of co- curricular ICtiviiies offered at school. "
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