1993 School Magazine

ture film Rough Diamonds due to be released early next year. "It's the first time I've worked in Queensland, " said Angie, "and it's been very exciting. Don't let anyone believe shoot- ing films is a glamorous life. I'm up everyday at 4.45 am. , and we don't finish until9 pm. To complete the film takes about eight weeks. "

CATHERINE MILLIKEN While a student at Brisbane Girls' Grammar School, Catherine Milliken was awarded the Wight Medal for excel- Ience in piano performance in 1973. A graduate of the Queensland Conservatorium of Music and winner of some of Australia's most prestigious prizes, she received the Caltex Award "Woman Graduate of the Year" in 1978.

Angie Milliken Angie who says she gets more nervous as she gets older, has been nominated for an AFI Award for her performance in the ABC'S stark telemovie Act of Necessity. Based in Sydney, Angie Milliken's life is divided between television, film and stage. She has worked on the stage to great acclaim in Sydney and Adelaide, and when Rough Diamonds is completed Angie has a feature film for Suitcase films lined up, and stage appear- ance for Crossroads Theatre in an adaptation of The Idiot directed by Rodney Fisher. "I enjoy both stage and film, " she said. "Basically you use the same skills. Perhaps there is more detail work in a film, bui then I love the energy of the theatre. " To relax Angie plays squash, enjoys swimming, goes to con- certs and has a "fantastic home life". But she said "the whole lifestyle of an actor is incredibly irise cure". CATHERINE BUCKl-IAM Now in her final year of Medicine at the University o Queensland, Catherine Buckham's academic achievement! have already been considerable. After completing Year 12 at Brisbane Girls' Grammar Schoo in 1985, she enrolled in Pre-clinical Medicine at tht University of Queensland. Her thesis, based on origina research, qualified her for the degree Bachelor of Medica Science in social and preventative medicine. in 1990 Catherine deferred to take up a position as Senio Research Assistant in a Psychiatry Department specialis ing it the neuropsychiattic and psychosocial aspects of HIV/AIDS. Back in course wdrk, she took out the 1992 John BOStocl Psychiatry Prize (Uni. of Qld. ) awarded by the Australian am New Zealand College of Psychiatrists on the basis of rim highest overall mark.

Catherine Milliken

Since then, Catherine has lived in Germany, studying not the piano, but the oboe with the world's foremost players, Professor Hemz Holliger, who remains a mentor, Maurice BOUTgur, and Professor Ingo GOTitzki. She is highly respected in Europe, with such composers as Karl-Heize Stockhausen and Frank Zappa writing especially for her. Today Catherine Milliken wears three hats, those of musician, actor and composer, with skill and imagination. A co-founder of the renowned Ensemble Modern based in Frankfurt, and the oboe half of the brilliant due, Venture, which she formed with American clarinettist Carol Robinson, now based in Paris, Catherine has been in Sydney for the Australian premiere of Howard Barker's Scenes F, .om An Execution, for which she composed the score. Set in 16th Century Venice, it is recognised in the U. K. as a "modem classic". "This is my second collaboration with director Lindy Davies, the first was Electra, and next is A Midsummer Night's Dream, " said Catherine. ANGIE MILLIKEN in 1981, Angie Milliken was elected Head Girl at Brisbane Girls' Grammar School, where her interests were many. She was a fine athlete; she received her Bronze Medallion and her Senior Resuscitation Certificate. She played the French Horn extremely well, and her interest in drama found a ready outlet in School Drama presentations. in October 1988, Angie graduated from N. I'D. A. (the National Institute of Dramatic Art) with top honours, and today is one of Australia's most sought after young actors' She has recently been on location in Brisbane, Boonah, Toogoolawah and Esk, playing the leading role of Christ ine Bright, opposite Jason Donovan in the $4 million dollar fea-



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