1992 School Magazine

This year the various groups have 11ad many exciting opportunities to perform on a variety of school occasions as well as 'outside' the school. Eacli concert has seen coin- posers from each music elective class pel'fonti the 11. o110i- nal woi'ks. Exciting and innovative items wei'e always appi'eciated by the audience. The Senior Orchesti'a played at the Opening CGI'emony of the new JuditlT A. Hancock Communications Centre on July 17. A selection of insti'u- mental isis 11ad the opportunity 10 pel'foi'111 an especially commissioned fanfai'e wi'illen by Bi'ishane composei' Mai'y Mageau. This was a very exciting occasion foi' all of us. in the following week. Haulisis, I'ecoi'der playei's. a 11'unipeter and a string quartet were involved in the school production of Shakes peare's "A Midsummei' Night's Di'earn". All insti'umentalists perfoimed in costume. a 'hist' foi' inariy of us! in August. instrumentalists ill the 01'chestI'a and Concert Band were involved in the Combinecl Schools Music Festival. A vei'y musical tilld ftilfilling 1111'ee days of music-making were enjoyed by all. TITe Instrumental alld Vocal Coinpeiiiions. lield in October 1111s year. nave coin- petitors a chance to show theii' lange of skills and talents. PI'oving a I'Gally valuable perforniing experience foi' all involved 1992 11as been a very exciting and active year of instru- mental music-making. I would like 10 take 111is opportunity 10 congratulate ALL the instrumentalists for the ti'emeii- do us effort they contribute to the music prograni at BCGS I have very Inuch enjoyed being a musician in this won- derful school and have valued the OPPoi'Iunity of be in a one of the Music Captains.











Susannah Helman. Ingrid Hadgraft. Sarah Broughton

Our very special thanks niust be extended to botli Mis Elizabetli Brazier (Voice teacher and Conductoi. of "La Capella") and MTS Pain Burnard (Co- ordinalor of Choral Music and Conductor of "Camerata". "Grammal. Sinoei. s" and "Year 8 and 9 Choi'ale") without whose dedication energy and expel'lise an extensive choral progi'am would not exist.

Sarah Bi'ougliton (Music Captain)


1992 has been another successful year for instrumental music at BCGS. 11 began willI an exciting PIOm Concert held on Mai'ch 27. which featured most of 111e eiohteeii instrumental groups 111at ^ehearse in the school. Mi' Bauei', our liew brass teacher, took on the task of conducting the Senior Concert Band and Junioi' Orchestra. He also co- conducted the Junioi' Concert Band combined with Boys' Grammal' and biass ensembles. Miss Myers continued heI. wonderful dii'ection and conducting of the string o1'0ups and Senior Orchestra. Mrs Lockwood 111e clarinets and their eiiseinbles. Miss MacAski11 111e recoi'ders and flutes and Mi' Bowel's The Two percussion ensembles. Thanks must go to these and the numerous visiting insti'umental teachei's foi' their dedication to developing the 11ighest quality of music making. I would like particulai'Iy 10 Inaiik Miss MyeTs, oui' Instrumental Music Co- ordinalor foi' itei' devotion 10 the organisation and development of Instrunienial Music at BGGS. We wisli her well on her twelve months leave in the United Stales ancl look forwai. d to her return to Lis.

Susaniiah Helmaii (Music Captain)


An unpi'ecedenied event in the histoi. y of BGGS music came 111is year in the foi'in of the "Combined Schools Music Festival", held on the second weekend in August Co-ordinated by Mr Bruce May froni Bi'is bane Gi'am mai' School. the Festival involved 153 BCGS girls, alongside students from Brisbane Grammar School* Antilican Church Grammar School, SI Aidaii's. and the special guests of the Festival, Can bel'ra Gi'animar School. A week- end of socialising seemed imminent willI this large, mixed group: however, the very intense rehearsal schedule set all in inds to woi'k on the task at han(I - to woi'k willI guest





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Mrs Brazier IL! and Mrs Burnard at the vocal cuncerl

Pip vi'est. I, ender of orchestra, allhe CombineclSchuiilsl. tsii\al


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