1992 School Magazine

Conoplia, Linda SIGm on, Felicia Rushei. , Kii'sty Dodsworih, Annabelle Hogarth, Anna Baranoff, Georgia Petrohilos, Christine Muirhead, Christine O'Neill, Vanessa SIu, Hiroko Hamada, Kym Smith, Broilwyn Lahey, Astika Kagawa, Kit Wari, Me Ianie Roe. Ienny Hanseii and MIChelle Koh did their best to entertain a huge audience willI their musical talents AltlIOUgh we were leiuctant to diess up in WITite sheets and wear brown sandals, we succeeded in naving a good time, ordering foul' niedium pizzas o11 tile last night. The aroma fl'om oui' pizzas was so SII'orig Inai the backstage ci'ew and actsses could even smell it in all, it was a very positive expel'Ience foi' all of us

condiictors on preparing repel'101re of a mole varied and challengino nature than most had encountered before. in the weeks preceding the festival, separate reheai'sals were held ill eacli of the participating schools, the perfoi'in- ers gaining a basic familial'ity with the niusic prior to some fifteen hours of rehearsal ovei' the 1111'ee days of the festi- vatl. TITis Intensive work CUIminaied in a conceit of an impi'essive standard in Mayne Hall, at the University of Queensland, on Sunday 9 August TITe Symphonic Band, conducied by Mi' Be rule Hoesmaii (Senior Music Lectui'er at QUT, Calseldine) played all entertaining and varied selection of music, including a col- Ieciioii of three pieces with a Calypso theme. the "Coined ian 's Gallop", and "Sailctuai'y", a more subdued piece Mr John Gilbei'I and MTS Mary Talchell, guest con(Iucioi's fi'o111 Canberra Gi'amiiiai' and Callbei'I'a Gills' Grammai' Schools I'espectively, led tile Combined 01'chestI'a through its impressive repertoire of PTOkofieff's "Lieutenant Kiji", and "Finale fi. Qin Sympliony No. I in C" by Beethoven. A select gi'oup of siring players from this Orchestra coin- pi'ised the Can bell'a Gramm ar S ch0 o1s ' Chainbei' Orchestra who, conducted by Ms Lesley Luxion, played Hoist's "SI Paul's Suite", in foul'1110vemenis Mr Gi'aeme Moiion, Director of Music at SI Peter's LUThei'all Colleoe, and conductoi' of the 337 voice Combined Choir, created waves of horrol' by announcing that the choir would perform from MEMORY the foul woi'ks studied - Beethoven's "Hallelujah" (from "the Mount of Olives"), "Locus Isle" by Bruckner, Mozart's "Laudate Do minum" and "Te Deuni" by 1011n Runer. TITe mein bel's of the choir surprised 111emselves soniewhat in accomplislTing 111is feat admirably, accompanied by the Combined Can bel'ra Gi'am mar Schools ' Orcliesira, and assisted by hai'pist Ellena Papas, past student of BCGS, and Queensland Conservatorium of Music student Donna Rudd, who sano the soprano solo in "Laudate Do minuin" Several o1rls involved in the combined choir participated in a pel'toI'llance of 111e same repel'toil'e in the Australian National Choral Association's ANCA Festival '92, on September 13, alono willI students froni the Anglican Church Gi'am mai. School, Bi. is bane Grammar School, Lockyer District State Hioh School, SI Aidan's, Redeemer Lutheran College, SI Hilda's and SI Pelei' 's Luthei'an Colleoe. These students also took part in the World PI'Giniei'e Pel'foi'mance of "Into the Darkness", an Innova- live choi'al work by Stephen Leek. The ANCA choii' has been invited 10 be involved ill a broadcast of this work, following tileir vei'y successfLil pel'formance of it The Combined Schools' and ANCA Festivals have been valuable musical experiences for niany girls, and it is hoped Thai they will be I'egulai' eveiiis ill future years

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. ifi Howevei. , all this would not nave been possible without Miss MacAskill, who patiently and tilelessly o1'ganised the string quartet, flute quartet and I'ecordei' ensemble with expertise and skill - A Midsummer Night's Di. eaiti In usicians ROGER WOODWARD WORKSHOP 011 Tuesday 15th Septembei' I 992, Angela Wilson, HeIen Buchbach and MIChelle Muii'liead pailicipaied in a piano masterclass held at St Paul's School Bald Hills, given by world renowned perfoi'meI' Rogei' Woodwai'd. A10no with 111ree students from SI Paul's School, the girls were given vei'y helpful advice and encouragement by Mi' Woodward and we thank the Principal Mi' Case for tile opportunity 10 be involved in sucli a useful and PIOductive Michel!e Koh








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Ingrid Hadgraft (Music Captain)



On the 23rd, 24th and 25th July, twenty eager musicians rose to 111e challenge of providing progranT niusic for' the school's successful production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream". Sarah Broughton, Leanne Schuntner, lessica

Angela Wilson with Roger Wood\, ard


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