1992 School Magazine
Miss Myers
Junior Strings:
from Queensland University, Bundaberg High School's Stage Band "hotting up" an Assembly, "Fretwork" guitar performance, and a flute workshop provided by Angela Reichfoi. d, all adding to the wonderfulIy varied musical tapes 11'y of the BGGS music department, a department which 11as seen a numbei' of changes within its instrumen- Ial staff this year. We nave welcomed Mr Russell Bauer as teacliei' of Biass students and conductor of the Senior and Junior Concert Bands, Junior Orchestra and Brass Ensemble; Mr Darryl Bowers as Percussion teacher and conductoi' of both Senior and Junior Pel'cussion Ensembles. We have also welcomed back to BGGS Music Depaiiment, Miss Kathy PTOfke, teacher of Flute, after hel' yeai. of study at the Hong Kong Academy of the Performing Arts. With Class Music moving into the Communications Centi'e, Instrumental music is now sole occupier of the S Block, providing more venues for I'eheal. sals and insti. umental tuition Changes within a department as large as this Music Department are inevitable. I, myself a very new mein bel' of staff, was welcomed so warmly by all, that I felt jinme- dialely a sense of "coming home" to BCGS. We look for- ward with great excitement to "welcoming home Miss BTOnwyn Myers, the COOTdinatoi' and "heart" of the Instrumental Department, after her leave in USA in 1993 Her musical dedication and devotion to this school, her waimth, generosity of spirit and friendship will be sincere- Iy missed by staff and students. We wish her a fulfilling and very happy year A sincere thank you is extended 10 the hard-working and very supportive group of special parents called the Music Committee consisting of Mr Mike Mariey (President), Mr David Vann (Vice-president), Mrs Gerry Conoplia (Secretai'y), Mr Graham Muirhead (Treasurer) and Mrs We ridy Helman (Catering Hostess). Their fund- raising, suppei's, time and effort in rendering tremendous assistance and support to the Music Department are vei'y much appreciated. The Brilliant "Schubertiad" evening, "Portamento" Port and the selling of "BGGS" watches are just some of the innovative fundraising activities enjoyed this year. To the Music Captains, congi. atulations on a wondei. ful year of leadership in music making, organisa- lion and support foi. all "musos" and the staff Finally a special thank you to all the Music Staff, who have condiicted, trained, taught and supported all their SIu- dents, groups and classes. To be a part of this depai'linent, itself a leader in music education, is indeed a privilege fol' us all. To inke lidi'I ill a nilis!'cal penoi'rimnce, M, helliei' us o penoimei' o1' us d listenei; Is 10 exp/o1'e, 10 of 11ni, 10 telebi'die one's Ide!inty Chi'islophei' Sriid/I
Mr Bauer Mr Bauer Miss MacAskill
Senior Concert Band: Junior Concert Band (BCS): Flute Choir:
Mrs Burnard MTS Brazier Mrs Bumai'd Mrs Bui'nard
Camerata Singers La Capella: Grammai. Singers: 8/9 Chorale :
Miss Myei's Mr Bauer
Senior Chamber 01'chestI'a Junior 01'chestra:
Miss MacAskill Miss MacAskill Miss MacAskilI Mr Bauei Miss Lavei Mrs Lockwood Mrs Lockwood
Flute Ensemble Flute Quartet Recordei. Ensemble: Brass Ensemble Wind Quintet:
Srir Clarinet Ensemble: mr Clai'in 61 Ensemble: Percussion Ensemble I: Percussion Ensemble 11:
Mi Bowers Mi' Bowers
VOCAL MUSIC The vocal 111usic prograni provides all exciting OPPoi'Iunity for a very large number of girls to participate in musical experiences. This yeai' some 300 gills have been involved in a wide range of choi'al groups and o1hei' vocal activities The first perforrnance of the year was 111e Pi'onI Conceit in whicli many vocal groups performed. The 111glilight of this concert was MTS Burnard's arrangement of "One Voice" for massed choir and orchestra. Also at the beginning of the year, the Cameraia singei's had the opportunity of coin- bining witli 111e Grammarphones from Brisbane Grainmai' School to PI'eseni a medley of songs from "Phaniom of the Opei'a". This was a vei'y interesting expel'Ience! The Junioi' Concert allowed younger students a chance to shale theii talents with parents and friends. TITis was a most enjoyable The I'ecent vocal concert, entitled "On Wings of Song", was a huge success. This concert included perforiiiances by the Camerata Singei's, La Capella, and o1hei' vocal ensembles which were formed especially for' this conceit Several girls also contributed to 111e success of 111e concei'I with solo items and they are to be coinmended fol' theii' efforts. Another 111ghlighi of tliis concert was the pel'foi'- mance by guest vocalists, The Belles, who gave an Gritei'- taming performance in a variety of styles Vocal Iy, this has been a very busy and successful yeai' occasion
(MTS) Painela Burnard Co- ordinalor of Classroom and Choral Music
Miss Myers, Mr Painck Miss Myers Mr Pairick
String Quartets: String Ensemble: String Orchestra:
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