1992 School Magazine
Concerto was a very exciting event for. 150 music students fi'onI Years 8.9 and 10. Anna's commanding performance willI the Queensland Symphony Orchestra was a vei. y proud event foi' all of us and a tilling end 10 a vei'y innsical Ierin TERM FOUR nosied the instrumental anti Vocal Competitions and conseqtieiii "A1'lists in Concei'I" (where Senioi' F1ixi PI'izewinnei's tire 1,0110ured in pel'foiliiance ). the Carol Sei'vice in SI John's Calhedi'al. School Dav Co ricei'is, displays an d pe rfoi. inarice s. Ihe C hi. is tm as Concei'I in the Auditoi'illm alld of coui\e. Speecli Day. all vei'y special musical events. Liniqtie in expi'e!;sion and fea~ luring the extensive depili o1 111usical Ialeni withiiT 1111s school. Details of the Awai'ds fi'Qin the Insti. unienii!I anti Vocal Competitions ale its follows The R. T. tilld A. E. left^'Ies Bui'sal'y Ibi' oLiistandiiig in Lisic pel'foi'Inarice was awai'ded 10: Philippa West. The Wighi Medal was awai'tied 10: Philippii Allei'11 The winnei's of eacli section wei'e lis follows: JUNIOR Sal'all Galbi';11/11 (HDi'11) Ienny Velkovic Amy Waiten ,
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Brass: Percussion: Vocal: Strings: Woodwind: Kevboard:
Playing at the opening ceiemun}. fur the Coinmunicatiuns Building TERM THREE commenced willI all official celebration at the OPENING CEREMONY of the Juditli A. Hancock Communications Centre. one level of \vhicli consists of two exciting Music Classrooms. a PI'ogressive Music Techiiology Laboi'at o1'y and a spacious Perfoi'Inarice Room. Coinmunicaiioii was uppel'most in tile composer, Mary Mageau's mind. WITen she was commissioned to write a "CGIebratoi. y Fanfare" for performance at this Official Opening. The fanfai'e united tradition willI innova- lion. pal'allelled will1111 111e building itself, by combinino the foi'CGs of a Brass ai\d Woodwind Clioir antiplioitally. along with Pel'cussion Ensemble and foul' Synthesisers and Sound Module. England enjoyecl pertoi'111ing their winning Intel'110use Choi'al item. "Lei the Rivei's Run". The Combined Clioirs 11nc1 01'chest 1:1 liei'alded a ITiumphani School Antlieiii to enci the cei'Ginony. EQi' niany o1' 0ui' musicians, "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM" to I- lowecl in July. willI eiihei' till acting. <1aiiciiig. backstage o1' musical 1'01e. A wondei'1111 fantasy o1' outstanding quillil)' followed. Congitiiulations to Anne MacAskill, Musical Direcioi'. anti to all who pailicipaied. August saw 150 o1 oui' musicians Involvecl in an exciting COMBINED SCHOOLS FESTIVAL with Brisbane Giniiiiiiai'. Callbei'in Grammar anti a variciy of other local schools. Till'ce vei'y lieclic clays o1 I'eheai'sal CUIminalc(I in 11 \\, on delftil Cancel'I at May lie Hall. Queenslaii(I Univci'sit},. Tills was followed by 11 lie\\, concei'I 10 0ui' I'cut^Iai' 111usic;11 calcndai'. it VOCAL CONCERT. this }, Gal' cntiilc,-tillcd singing! The eveniiig \\, as a \, ery special cclebi'alloiT of sucli xingiiig. All excui'sioii 10 the Conceit Hall to lieai' Anna Calsoii of 8H peltoi'111 Tchaikovsky\ Fiixi Piano
Pilllippa West (Violin) Linda Sieman (Flute) Philippa Allei'n SENIOR KynT Waraker (Trumpet) Leeta Graysoii (Truiiipet) Susannali Helman Michele Tsui
Percussion: Vocal: Strings: Woodwind:
HeleiT BuclibaclT (Double Bass) Collette Thoinpsoii (Clarinet) Sarah Bi'o11gliion (Flute)
Kevboard: Shill'o11 Todhuiiiei ACie Gillies: PITilipp;! West Valda Gillies: PITilipp;I Allei'11 Gillies Ensemble AM, ai. d
S ai'1111 G albi'nilli ( Hoi'11) alld Killhei'ine
WillISOii (Bassoon) F1tiie Quailei: 01iviti Kleindiensi. Calhei'ine Moilimei'. Talliiiiy Block anti EininiiRos:; 'Ihc '11udictitioii tintl Dietni;!lion of awai'ds was niade by Mi' Pelei' Roi'ke. Head of the Music Deparimcni. Uni\'eiwily <11' Soulhci'11 Queensland 011 LUT 111dividLial IC\'el. so 1111/11^ 111Lisic students nave liar^ oLilslanclin:! WCCes^ in 11 wiliery o1' clearlive anti coinposi- 11<1na! WIN'k. pertoi'initiice anti coinpciiiive pursuits. Their coiniiiitiiieni anti ticdicatioii 10 achieving excellence ill'e highly' coinmcnded. 111 pal'ticuliii' we congi'atulaie A rina Calicoii alitl Sal'all Bi'ou 91^1011 f(n' 111eii' outstanding 111usical achievements whicli ale repoi'letl in further detail else- whci'e in 111e magazine The I'e 11ave been Inariy o1hei' 11Tusictil experiences SITai'ed by students Ihrougli visiting guest ai'lists like "Perlhelioii" L.
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