1992 School Magazine
and BC. S. . 111is year' involved two debates. WITat do men do better? Absolutely notliing. as was proven in the fii'SI debate. We. the negative team, convincing Iy won. The rematch was on our School Day in October and we won it too The year also included debaiino seminars and social debates against BGS, Churchie and Terrace. Me 11nda Tayloi' and I participated in QDU Stale team trials I'eaching the round of eighteen. These trials are I'ecommended 10 all debaters from Yea^ 10 to Yeai' 12. The 11'ainino is invalu- able. Our debating gins may 1101 nave endured shin splints. stress fi'actures, o1' even biokeii fingernails, but ill oui' PUT- SUIi of intellectual excellence we endured late niohis, ner- vous knots, and team meetings that really test whethei' political belief comes befoi'e friendship. We did indeed show mental muscle. Thank you 10 all of the debating coaches. foi. it is they who niost often come up with the big ideas and always a theme when the leanl is despei'ate. A special thanks must go 10 the debaiin, , co- ordinalor. Mi's Basford. Good luck to all Gi'animal' "supei'-in ouths" ill the fuiui. e
Cool. calm, collected, never lost foi' a word, always quick to disagi. ee: these are B. G. G. S. debaters. No. We don't do it for' the glitz. the glamour, or even the trophy. We do it foi' the mental stimulation. Few non-debaters would appreciate the exhilaraiion of standing before an audience. mainly of empty tables and chairs, and telling thenI now wrong the opposition's argument is. Persuading thenI what you say is true is not the problem; its sounding intelligent at the same time that is difficult. TITis yeai' PIOve(! that it is not difficult foi' our debaters. All but a few leanis PI'ogi'essed 10 the finals. The Year Nine QDU team of Kale Brown. Natasha Stirlinn. Hai. I. jette Lawson. Philippti Ahem and Vanessa Granoei. wei'e out- standing in reaching the quai. Ier finals. Similarly. the Apex squad pel'foiTiied vei'y well. with the sellioi' team of Mai'ion Woodliead, He leii Chi'is tinson and Claire Addelsee bellig Involved in a fiei'CGsome encounter ill the Senioi' division Grand final. whicli was won by St Petei"s. The "Ti'ans-Kallnga Ave Cup". "Gold GII Palmcaid Ti'ophy", o1' "TITe Gi'eat Debate". willcli is the stimulating competition betweeii 111e Senioi' A leants fi'o111 BCG. S. '
Emma Robinson Debating Captain
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UrnA'1'1\(; IQ. D. L. I Back RUM' IL-Rj: 11. \\'nod. 'I. R\ an. K. Hanberficld. K. 1111/1"ni. C. \\'ain\\ I'i"111. I, . VCPh"rsu I. xi. '11 I , I. H. I , . I . , . . ,. . . \IC(;illi\ra\. , . . . , . T'hii'd Ru\, : F. Ricliai dann. .I. tin I n n ". 'I. 13 urn s. I, . Snape. C. Clare. ,\. Corn\\ all. I. Ben n"11. A. \\'ilsun. A. D ' . . .I. C ' ., '. \\ain\\'right. C. Lennu\. ' ' ' ' " Second Rii\\ : A. Kers\\ cll. .I. Sing. \Irs .I. Sandcrstin. Mi's .I. Riu"s. E. Robinsun ICU lain I. Mrs I, . nashir I. \I'. . I, . W'11'. . (;. , . '. , ' Front Ru\\': D. 'rindle. S. \\'icks. A. VCEli'can, A. Meeking, \'. (;ranger. M. Kin ,stun. P. \hern. 11. \\"I. Absent: (;. Petroliilus. B. nunnc. \. I. \'andeleur. \. SIii. Iiii, ,. K. Brim'n. .I. Ahemcllt}, \I. F1etcher.
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