1992 School Magazine

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DEBATING (APEX} Back Row (L-R): A. Johnston, S. Helman, F. Crawfoi'd, H. Christirisun, C. Addelsee. M. Woodhe"d, B. Lutun, " e, neger. Second Row: I. Mahoney. F. Mahoney, H. Larson, A. Porter, S. Ellis, N. Ross, A But noris, K. Wallers, . an , c Front Row: S. Nevell, M. Naka. jima, Mrs S. Dowries, Mrs I. Riggs, E. Robinson (Captain), Mrs A. SIe ens, iss . o o , . y, Absent: D. Stafford. L. Rees, F. Marley, I. Starkey. M. Henderson, K. Johnslon, .I. MeIville, A. T'ranberg.

DUKE OF EDINBURGH'S AWARD SCHEME This year there are around sixty candidates actively pui'su- ing Awards within the school - an increase when compared witli recent years, Of these, many are close to achieving theii. Awards. Katie Barrett (12H)has won her Gold Award, a feat achieved by vei'y few high school students' A numbei. of other students have started at the Gold level The Award Office has had difficulty in finding volunteers to run Expedition training and test camps, and consequent- Iy fewer and fewer camps are being planned. Because of our increasing numbers of candidates, the Co- ordinalo1 asked us to organise our own training and test camps, thus makino places on State Award camps more available for independent candidates. We have managed to this by adapting the school camp program at Imbil so that they may be used as training camps, and by arranging several weekends for test camps at Imbil and Brisbane Forest Park. in May, Kane Barren (12H) and ETica Dunstan (ITE) received their Silver Awards from Sir Waner Campbell, at his final Award Presentations as Governor of Queensland














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Kalie Barrelt (L) and Erica Dunstan at Silver Award presentation at Parliament House

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Ienny Gnugh (L) and Yu-Li Orig have also won their silver award


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