1992 School Magazine
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in Regional Basketball. Iacqu!e Griffiilts is dedicated to swimming and won tliird place in the I'ecent Pan Pacific Gaines in the 200m fleesIyle. She was the 50m School swimming champion and is currently rated second in Queensland in 50nT freestyle. Caroline Pearsoii 11as put liei' talents 10 coaching Rhytlimic Gyiiinasiics, and along with Kathei'ing Henzell is a meIn bel' of tile QGSSSA team Kathei'Ine also competecl successfully in the Brisbane Speech and Drama Eisteddfod. achieving two firsts. a third and a senioi' encoui'ageinent awai'd. Tile an is tic talents of Tiffany Flecklington alld Lisa Walkei' call be seeii in the new Communications Centre anti RDSlyn Geol'ge coinplet- ed he I' Grade 6 AMEB piano. 10 CToinbie and Eva Wood ale the Pi'esidents of the Drama Club and ale actively Involve <1 in Iheir PIOduciions. particulai'Iy Monkey pro- ducec1 <1ui'ing Septembei'. WillI the coinp!eiioii of tile Coinmunications Centre. gills wei'e pleased 10 be able to use the facilities within the Libi'ai'y anti the Coinpuiin!! alert again during study lime. Mi' Dale tilld all the tica(leiiiic staff who suppoi'I the gills in Iheii' studies ale 10 be inariked foi' the in tel'esi that 111ey show anti foi' o1'gallising access to these stale of the art facilities The yeai' has been challeiigiiig and InIeresting and now that tile restoi'ajioii anti I'enovaiion of tile Boai'<1ino House is finally completed. gills would agite that. under the leadei'- ship of Vanessa Lohi'isch and Suzanne BOSanquet. 111ey have been able 10 settle down to develop a ureatei' sense of community. Thanks niust go 10 Mi's Best and Sister WITeelwi'Ight and all the Resident House Staff who are always available to lielp gii'ls Ihi'oughoui the year alld who endeavour to make the Boarding House as pleasant as possible
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Dellti Dillon competed foi' tile title of Boardiiig House PI'Incess. willI tile honour going 10 Dena in Yeai' 10. Katie Charlioii ill Yeai' I I was crowned Miss Boai'(Iiiiu House in a vei'y close finish fi. onI Katische Haberfield, Susie Scott alld Belli Willlains. Special 111anks go 10 seijioi' boarders ironi Bi'is balle Gi'animar School. who aave of tileir tinte 10 act as judges and escoi'is foi' 111e parade. TITanks also to the staff who actecl lis judges alld gii'is who o1'ganised a niost successful evening. Eacli tel'111. girls have enjoyed the Formal Dinner. TITe lime and effori 111at Ken and Kitclieii Staff pui into PIOviding SIIch tielighifu1 111eals ale appreciate<1. as ai'e tile effoi'is of Mis Best who always Inariages 10 o1'gunise flowei\ and decoi'ale the tables. Talented boai'del\ nave pieseiite(I a variety of musical itenis o11 111ese evenings. Thinik, ; ai'e due 10.10 Cull. Penny Alderson, Roslyii Geolne and Kitihei'ille Henzell I'll' Iheii' 11/05i eiijoyab!e canti'Ibuiions Eacli yelli' senioi' gills anti 111eii' pal'cni, ; Ginoy attending it special Foiliitil Dinnci' \\, 111cli 1111s yctii' wits liel(I ill TITc Helllage o118 August. Tills occasion gave tileiii Ihe OPPoi'- turniy to inviic PIN liteiiibci\ of 111e BON'(ling House and 10 I'eniinisce o11 Ihcir expel'ICnce\ ill Clammai' As can be seen fluiii Ihe boar(tel\' spoil^ Honoui' Born'(I. the 111,110i'11y o1' Ihc gills ale involvecl in at lensi one sp(11'1 Milliy of them achieve ill 11n tintsiaiidiiig level 1111d congitii- ulaiioils ill'e title to Cm'o1/11e Amey ill Yeai' 10. who quail- lie(I as a 111eilIbei' of the Mellonolii;111 East Basketball iann and compelecl ill the Stale Chill^^pion\hips anti Small MCEvo}, anti Einin;I By Ih-Lo\\'dell illso in Yeai' 10 acliievecl well ill Gloss Counti'y. Killc Kilpiiti'ick and Belh Williams. boili 111 Yeai' I I. compete(I ill the U 17 Slate Volleyball ChilliTpionsliip\. 8,111 liarellc(I 10 Pel'111 coinpei- Ing ill the U 17 A gi'title coinpeiitioii 11ncl Kale compelecl in the B Glade IOUi'inlineni ill Poll Macquai'Ie. Melediih Bocliiiiann. Yeai' 11. also excelled. \\, inning the School Chainpioiiship foi' athletics anti being SGIcciccl to coinpeie
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