1992 School Magazine
At the beginning of the year, the Junior Common Room had been re-developed and a new area for seniors estab- lished. Senior girls now have access to the extra benefits of a refrigeraioi'/freezer, toastei', television, video and theii. own special cushions, while the Juniors have access to table tennis within theii' Common Room, as well as televi- sion and video. TITe added benefits of the Cafe Bar and microwave have been appreciated by all. Gills have been encouraged to use theii' own mugs ill ordei' 10 I'educe the use of polystyrene cups supplied willI 111e Cafe Bai' Thi'oughout the year, niaiiy gil'Is have been Involved in a variety of activities and niany have achievecl outstanding results, not only ill acadeiiiic aleas, but also in the cultui'al and spoi'ling ai'enas. Everyone enjoyed attending 111e excel- lent production of A Midsummer Night's Dreain at Twelftli Night The all'e, from whicli the gii'Is gained a greater appreciation of the lime and effoi'I that must be given to such a major eveni. in first seinestei', MTS Best o1'ganised tickets to the ballet The Taming of the Shrew, and foi' 111e musical Gi'ease. Parents and gills attending expi'essed enjoyment on boilT Late^ in the yeai', niaiiy of the gills also enjoyecl their visit to the Exhibition in August and to Jesus Christ Superstar in Octobei', again kindly an'ranged by Mis Best. Mrs Riggs also undertook to arrange Gillnic cooking classes fol' gii'Is within the House and inariks ale due to heI' for' liei' effoi'is in this regal'd, allltough the I'esponse was 1101 as good as expected. Some of the girls have also taken advantage of the CLUES PI'ogi'aiTi 10 extend Iheii' knowledge base, pal'- ticularly in the aidi of Drama Tile Miss Boai'ding House Concei'I was again one of the main highlights of the yeai'. Sophie Pearson, Kristie Di110n, Annabel Homer, Lisa MCCai'111y, Emma By 111-Lowdeii and occasions
1992 be aan traditionally when the Year 12 students returned two days early to welcome the Year 8 girls into their new home. MTS Hancock welcomed the Year 8 girls and their parents at dinner and gave them a quick orienta- lion to boarding at Girls' Grammar
The first term began willI a most successful visit to Amazons, which has now become an annual event organ- ised by Resident Staff, in conjunction with the girls' social co- ordinalors, Susie Scott and Kelly Dunn. This was fol- lowed by a numbei. of social activities with \, anous schools includino Anglican Church Grammar School, SI Petei"s, Marist Brothers, Nudoee and BBC. Activities with these schools included coffee nights, sporting activities, dinners and dances.
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To improve communication within the Boarding House, a Student Repi'eseniative Council was established. The group, consisting of two members from each Year group, met at fortnightly in tel'vals with MTS Hancock, or her' rep- resentative, to discuss Issues I'elevant to the girls in the House. TITanks go to Caitlin Malthews and Iacqui Rigby in Year 8, Binnie CTombie and Lisa McCarthy in Year 9, Caroline Astley and Kale MCCready in Year 10, and Kale Kilpati'ick anti Eva Wood in Yeai' 11 for' the 11' participation anti in telest in the Council. The two Head Boardei's chair these informative meetings whei'e various concerns are raised and addressed. One positive result from the meeting was the adoption of Kagendo Kabubani in Kenya through the Woi'Id Vision Program. The car washes and a Hot Chip stall have helped to support Kagendo
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