1992 School Magazine
in 1977, Mrs Best was invited by BGGS Principal MTS Iudith Hancock to help out in an emergency in the Boardino School for nine weeks. Four and a half years later' she was still 111ei'e, leaving only to care foi' her alling husband After his death Mrs Best returned to he I' position in the Boardino School but feels now the time has come to relax a little, "take up painting, Inake more music and not be ruled by school alai'ni bells". "One of my great joys in this job 11as been watching the gii'is marui'e, " said Mis Best "11 11as been a 1110st Intel'esting, challenging and satisfying time. " "From when I first began there have been so ntaiiy changes in the fabric of the school. It's been exciting beillg pail of this procress. With 111e restoration of tile Inaiii building, the boarders ale now housed in an elegant atmosphei'e whicli allows foi' individual privacy as well as gelling logeihei'." MTS Best 11as also communicated he I. love foi' music and the arts to the girls by taking tilem 10 many perfoi'mances of opeia, ballet and tileati'e. On a personal note, I cannot expiess how I valued Mrs Best's expertise when I was involved in School Music. She was always a sympathetic and sensitive accompanist for my choirs and logethei' we shai'ed many nappy times. She was the mainstay of countless school musicians and gave of her time willingly "On of the highlights of my lime at BCGS was this involvement willI music, " she said And what ale the qualities needed to run a Boai'ding School? "Well, " said Mrs Best, "you nave to like youno people and take a genuine Intel'esi in earn gii'I. A liberal endowment of patience is a lielp, anti yoii should lievei' lose you I. cool. Of course, life has had its moments - good and 1101 so good - but ovei'all it's been a vei'y I'ewarding time. "
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Mrs loan Best
A1 the end of 1992, the Brisbane Girls' Grammai' School community, especially the boarders, will say a I'eluciani good-bye to MTS loan Best For more than eight and a half year, Mrs Best 11as been in charge of the Boarding School, a formidable task she has cal'Tied out with dedication and good humoui'. Born in CGssnock in the Huntei' Valley, loan Best's gi'Gal Intel'est has been in music. She has always been involved with the young, and at thirteen was I unning a children's show on Newcastle radio. A pianist by profession, she taught music in several private schools in NSW, at the same time raising a family of three
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BOARDING H()USE S'I'A1-Tr Back Ro\\(L-Rj: Mi. s C. .lullke, SI. (;. Wheel\\. riuht. Nil. s K. Monat. Front Row : Mrs M. Doheri} . Miss I. 'rille}.. Mi s I. Best. Mrs M. Hukins.
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