1992 School Magazine


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S. R. C

nack Row (L-R): A. Hirst. B. Bleakly, F. Yales. P. West. K. Scrugings. P. Sitcheff. I. Hadgraft. .I. ECkctl. (;. Carey, V. MCNeicc. Third ROM. : (;. Pelruhilos. S. BOSanquei, V. 1.01^I. isch. S. NIOrnan. B. Effene},. E. .Ienkins, A. \Vri"hl. N. tnn\er, A. (;eddes. Second Ru\\: S. DOM. ning. L. SiCmon, C. Kim. L. Snape. B. Achilles, C. Robei. tsun. 13. Marsh. E. Hellen. M. Hirst, A. HD. V (;ran"er, Z. \I First Ro\\': A. Royston. K. ()I'r (Head (;irll. Miss E. Haltuii iASsistant Principal). Miss F. \\'illiams IDe ul}' Princi all. \Irs .I. Han I k (P ' ' ' I . Mr A. Dale iASsisltint PrincipalI. C. Wain\tright (Heall (;irl).. I. \inhoney. H. Ruralnam. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL

A numbei' of In eelings were held in conjunction with the Prefeci body. One of the initiatives coining from sucli a meeting was the clean-up of Victoria Pal. k for World Environiiieni Day whicli was organised by Jane Rooers. This gained good publicity for' the School Ihrougli articles appeal'Ing in The Courier Mail and local papei's 0111ei' Issues addressecl included the PIOvision of two exti'a piioiies. one of willcli 11as now been installed outside the Gehrmanii The all'e witli Phone Cal'd facilities. willI 111e o1hei' o11 the verandali of 111e Westei'n Win, ,. Duoi'knock Appeals. sucll as the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal, were also suppoi'led in CO-OPei'ajion with in lei'act. Reseai'cli into 111e SLidden infant Dealli Syiidi'Qine was also supportecl by gii. Is selling badges and noses on Recl Nose day. Gills appleciate(I the SLIPpoi'I of Ihe Libitiry Shift' ill this \, cntui'e. WillI all tile chilliges that have occLii'letl within 111e School ovei' the past two yeai\. clocks tire 110 lungei' centi'ally con- 11011ed. TITe gii'Is notetl Ihai 1111s ci'eatec1 11 PIOblciii. its many tit' Ihe hilliery tli'iveii clocks dic1 1101 function Galliei' in Ihe yeai. . Mi' Einei'y. inc Woi'ks Managei'. hits now organ- ise(I 1,111^1:11' clieck!* of tile clocks to Glisui'e that 111ey tile in glinti \voi'king o1'<1ci'. SIIi'vey\ \\'ci'e coinpleie(I o11 tile numbei' of PCOplc calcliing some tit' Ihe UVei'ci'awde(I buses 11'01n the School. Lettei\ wei'c seni 10 Ihc Brishalle Ciiy Council lintl POSiiivc action hits ichulied

TITe Studeni Repi'esentaiive Council has again played an important role in the School. Tile for uni consists of House Gi'oup captains anc! is chaii'ed by 111e two Heacl Gills. willI JUGI Mahoney in Year 12 ticting as seci'etary 11 alms 10 PIOvide an essential coinmunicaiioii link between the staff anti Ihe SILidenis and puis forwai'd ideas whicli will PIOmote the continued well-beinn o1' Ihe School. TITis yeai'. 111e Group met o11 a number of occa- SIons with Mi's Hancock or lier I'GPi'esentative and. as a I'esuli. inariy silldeni concei'lis wei'e addressed. TITe gills also appleciate tile consistent SLIPpoi'I lioni Miss Williams, Mr Dale anti Miss Halton and illeii' conii'ibuiioii to discus-







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Clcanin;: un Victoria I'ai. k

Gills \\'o1'e concci'liec1 111;11 inariy pal'cnts i!!1101'ed Ihc Left-


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