1992 School Magazine
lion PIOceduTGs. Special mention must be made of the Prefect body In ducted o11 February 4, the Prefects were quick to assume their duties and reflect the air of change which has chai'ac- tellsed this year. Jane Rogers organised the school's contri- hullon to the "Clean Up AUSti'alia Day" when nundreds of gills SCOui'ed Victoria Park with garbage bags and gloves in hand. A prefects' account was established to receive the
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Clean up Australia Day thank particulai'Iy Mis Hancock who Linfailingly suppoi'led us in OUT 101e at all limes. Mi' Dale, Miss Halton and Mis Lynch also desei've special mention foi' the11' until'ing efforts on behalf of the student body The eight piefects who attended the 50/11 Yeai' I'euiiioii of the Year' 12 students of 1942 on March 7 wei'e fascinated by tales of 01'am mar in wai'time. 0111' 50th I'Gunioii in 2042 will be equally niemol'able. We will I'ecount tales of a niag- nthcent building, sweeping changes, and a fantastically cohesive student body So nTuch seems to nave been changing all ai'ound us this yeai' - 111e Iertiai'y Grill'allce system, 111e new developments Yet it seems that certain things have around the school given us a sense of cohesion as a yeai' group to lead the school successfully, We believe that it 11as been the Prefects, the Yeai' I2 body and the institution of 111e school whiclT have supplied this cohesion, and for'111is we ale, and always will be gi'ateful. Some things change We will always cari'y on Some stay the sanTe Someiliing is lost SoilieihiiTg is found. .. Kai'alyn 01'1 Camilla Wainwi'Iglii
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Prefect Induction Ceremony (L-R): E. Grangei' (Head Girl 1991), C. Wainv. right, K. Ori, Mrs J. Hancock, R. Curioplia (Head Girl 1991) funds froni that fantastic Footloose Funkarama. We o1'gan- ised the installation of the large umbrellas and the pui'- chase of outdoor recreational furnitul. e for. the stage lawn. TITis ai'ea 11as become a populai' meeting and working place for girls froin all year levels. 1992 has been a very special yem' in many different ways but 11 would not have been quite so memorable willTout 111e input of an enei'getic and Linited group of senioi's and the ouidance of a most supportive staff body. We would like to
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PREFECTS Back RUM. (L-R): J. Martel, B. Bleakly, I. Hadgi. art, G. Dee, M-I. Hunter, K. Hansen, P. Sitcheff, S. Lehmann, I. ECkett, I. Mackenzie-FDi. bes, S. Fre\\ Second Row: E. Robinson, M. West, H. Fisher, D. Kennedy, C. Muii'head, S. Clarke, Z. Knights, I. 0'SUIlivan, C. Thumpson, L. Schuntner Front RUN. : I. Rogers, A. Martin, Miss F. Williams, K. Orr, Mrs I. Hancock, C. Wainwright, Mr A. Dale, E. Bradford, I. Mahoney.
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