1992 School Magazine


mallon evening when invited speakers discussed key issues with parents and students, and practice papers. eiisui'ed that any elements of doubt were allayed befoie undei'taking tlie actual CST papers on the fii'st two days of SeptenTbei'. While the ritei'e tliought of the tests was quite urinerving, they were necessary, and apart from being very draining. the papers were generally not so bad - we IIOPe!


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Karalyn orr (Lj and CanIilla Wain\,. I. inht

heading and the best ways ill witicli we could conii'ibute to its fLinciioning. Upon reflection. we feel as thougli 1992 has been a most successfLil and fulfilling year. 11 11as been a yeai' WITicli 11as seen many changes. Tile 11nited group of Yeai' 12 and the Ginii'e student body nave benefited ureatly lioni certain new developments. Since 1875 approximately twenty-three generations of young women nave been educated at this school in an envii'onineni where students are nurtured and encoui'aned 10 strive for excellence. Thi'ouohoui this pel'iod BGGS has




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Fashion Parade

School Day was Ileld this yeai' on Octobei' 17. Many diverse displays, perloiTnances aiTd stalls ensured that the life and cullui'e of 111e school wei'e proudly displayed. All who attended were treated to a feast of inforniaiive and enjoyable activities Tlie legendai'y Year 12 Fashion Pal'ade. 11'adjtioiially pi'e- sented o11 School Day, was held o11 the evening of Septembei' 17. TITe Yeai' Twelves appleciaied the OPPoi'Iu- nily to pailicipate at a time tree fi'Qin exainination stiess. 11 pi'ovecl to be an extremely popular alld 111emorable pel'foi'- malice for pal'ticipants as well as the audience. Cultural Iy the school 11as continued to excel. A ftill account call be lend in other reports in the Magazine. how- ever. special mention must be made of the Combined Schools' Music Festival front ALigust 6 to 9. whicli CUImi- miled in a supei'b pel'forttTaiice at Mayne Hall. SI Lucia The two Can bel'I'a Grammar Schools, tooether with Anglican Cliui. cli GraiTimai' School. B risbane Grammar and SI Aidaii's. wei'e involved with us in this challenoing e x p e Tie n c e. O ui' S h ak e sp e ai'jail PIO d u cIio n o f " A Midsummer Niohi's Di'eani" at Twelfili Niolit Theatre, was mainiiioili alld illvolved stridenis and staff in all areas of stage perfoi'mance. Everyone involved gained inuclT fi'o111 111ese enjoyable and valuable Ieai'ning experiences As Head Girls, we have been fortunate to represent the school on a numbei' of official occasions Ihrouohout the yeai'. One particulai'Iy memoi'able expel'ience was the sweai'ing-111 CGreiiiony of the twenty-second Governoi' of Queensland, Mis Leneen Folde, on July 29. As the Governoi' 11as long been all official visitoi' 10 school func- lions, it was willI gi'eat interest that we obsei'vetl the induc-




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Opening of the Communications Centre

willlessed the growlli and maturation of its pupils as well as clianges and innovations in curl'iculuin. Eacli yeai' ill 111e life of the school is unique. Eacli Delleraiioii of girls leaves a lasting impression on the school and contributes 10 its significant 11istory. 1992. we feel, 11as been all exceptioiial year. one chai'actei'ised by the way in whicli new develop- merits nave been added to tile 11'adjiions anti spirit of yes- Ieryear July 17 marked the official 11'allsformatioii of 111e school environineiit with the opening and naming o1' the Iudii!I A Hancock Communications Centi'e. Deserved Iy nailTetl in recognition of our principal's stirling conii'ibuiion 10 edu- calloii in geneial and Bi'is bane Gii'is' Grainniai' ill pailicu- jar. this magnificent building ensures that our SILideiii body will be at the rolefi'o111 of communication tilld techiiologi- cal developments in tile futui'e 1992/1as also witnessed SIN^incant changes 10 tel'11ai'y Grill'allce PI'ocedLii'es with 111e in 11'0duciion of 111e Student Education Profile to all Queensland secondai'y schools Initially in doubi about WITai the sysieiii acttially Gritailed. we Glade Twelves obtained oui' fii'SI taste of tile new pro- CGdui'es when we sill foi' the practice CST papers. An infoi'-


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