1992 School Magazine
accompanied on the piano. Dorothy loppick (Boasley) read I Corinthians Chapter 13, and Clarice Poole (Whitmee) read a prayer. We remembered Lois Purvis who had died, and our absent friends. Nostalgia continued as Phyllis and Cecily read Editorials from June and December 1942 Magazines, while Margaret Renner (Hynd) our co- Head Girl read the words she wrote all those years ago as Current Events. The Old Girls' Association Secretary Mrs BOUTguignon was introduced to meet women who wished to retain contact with the School family Our special morning concluded with these 66-year-olds gathering in a circle on the eastern lawn and giving a very spirited rendition of the War Cry, even to the leap at the end! Watching boarders were surprised and amused. A delicious lunch was followed by several prefects arriv- ing to lead us in small groups around the school building. 'What a change for the better' was the unanimous coin- merit by old-time boarders as they remembered their years in the dormitories. 'What a magnificent library' was ano1h- er comment, while the numbers of computers left us speechless! in 1942 we struggled with 'sine, cos and tan' in Maths, for slide rules were considered too advanced. How times have changed.
We looked around and thought back to 1942. That year had commenced with the School remaining closed, all lessons being posted to pupils on a Friday. Their completed work was expected back the following Monday week. it was a difficult period for both teachers and students! After two months the School re-opened, but air raid drill was prac- tised regularly. Slit trenches were dug on the slope below the 4th Form Wing, and on the northern slope below the two-roomed Science Building. Only once did sirens sound a city-wide alamt. Then every- one grabbed her own square of khaki or green material, her sit-upon, and her peg. The first was to place over one's back and head to prevent detection of one's white blouse and hat from above, the second was in case of a wet or muddy trench, while the third was to be placed between the teeth to minimise concussion from exploding bombs. 11 was a false alarm. We remembered the tape stuck to all windows in a square pattern to prevent glass shattering completely from a bomb blast, and the large white circle with central red cross painted on the boarding house roof. The School was to become a hospital should Australia be invaded and Brisbane bombed. Our brothers, cousins, even fathers were away fighting, and later some of us joined the Services to help the war effort. As preparation for the reunion each had compiled a sum- mary of her activities during the past 50 years, and this had been distributed. Thus as we renewed friendships it was a case of 'remember when' and 'so you taught in Bowen also', or 'I was workino in London in 1952 but did not see you
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(L-R): Joyce Webster, Shirley SIeffman, Pat F1emming, Dorothy Faulkner, Noel Keiih, Clarice Poole
in the Gymnasium a group of girls were rehearsing for a rhythmic gymnastic competition. We wondered if we were ever as lithe, supple and graceful as the girls of today. Yet as we chatted the years fell away, wrinkles vanished, SIIhotiettes became slimmer, grey hair darkened and thick- ened, and we became school students again. Voices do not chanoe, mannerisms I. Ginain the same, and friendships made over foul' years at School are rekindled vei'y quickly. At 3.30 p. in. we galhei. ed in the Dining Room for after- noon tea, and to express our thanks to the School for allowing us this opportunity to meet again in situ. To coin- memorate the event we will present the School with an embroidered damask tablecloth for the Prize Table at Speech Day and other special occasions. Oui' maiden names will be embroidered around the edge, enabling each to become part of a continuing School tradition. I wonder if present seniors will hold a reunion in 2042, and what advances in education they will see! CGcily Fearnley (nee Sandercock)
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(L-R): Ruth Lucke, June Stoodley, loan Beech
A1 eleven o'clock we attended Assembly in the CGhrmann Theatre. Dorothea presided and called the roll. We had come from all parts of the State, from NSW, ACT, Vic. , S. Australia, and Ruth Lucke (Dart) from Germany! Letters from absentees were read. Enid Aberdeen (Richardson) our co- Head Girl sent greetings from Ontario, Canada, Augusta Galletly (Claridge) from Mackay, and Arithea KGir (Francis) from Bellthorpe. Foimer Assistant Mistress Mrs Ethel Becker (Dorialdson) is still living at The odore and sent us her best wishes. Few of the girls/women present needed the words when we rose to sing one of Miss Lilley's favourite hymns, 'Immortal, Invisible, God only wise'. I wonder if it is sung as often these days. Ruth (who is still a brilliant pianiste)
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