1992 School Magazine





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GRANDDAUGHTERS OF OLD (;IRLS nack Ro\\ IL-Rj: .I. Curioplia (M. Mai'tini. S. Hall IM. Dilgeri, A. Hawley 11. Moodiei. C. Leggo (F. Walkins), \IJ. Hrinter IB. Richarsonj. K. Warak ID. Keilluri, A. Leggu (F. Walkinsj. C. \Vilke (E. Bales I. I'hird Ro\\': E. Coupei' to. Lindley). T. Brnck (A. Kno\\. Iesl. M. Crane IH. Llu}'dl. A. Bremnei' IA. SIanle}'I, E. Mark well in. Pier Dinti. \I. Sc, 111 (E. Clarkj. F. Marley (E. Clarkj, F. Juries 11. Robinson). Second Row: C. Hunter IB. Richardson). S. Smith in. Cari'ick). \I. Hall (M. Dilger!. B. Achilles (. I. Cusack, I. Smith-Finkelll. M. MCGre or (E. Churvenj, A. Hamon (I. Munro). N. Marley IE. Clarkj, A-L. Hen, Ierson IH. Ci. ibbj, S. Meiklejohn IH. HDd son). Front Row: L. SinitliIB. Carrick), B. Lahey IK. Beck), C. rotheringhaiii IH. Cmftsi, A. Pur\'is IA. Stanley). A. Porter 11. Richardson). N SIe hensei n (Z. Pailenj, I. Smith. (D. FUKI, A. Woolr}. ch IE. Wattj. K. Hamon 11. Munro). Absent: E. Beer (B. Heyes). Z. Beer us. Heyes). M. Bremner IA. SIanley), S. Daley (D. Adains). H. Da\'is IE. Cro\\I, S. (;au\in IE. Francis). E. Gibson IN. Frailenj. P. Howard IE. Rankin), K. Leadbeater IB. Mandallj, K. MCGi. ath (M. Strachan), J. MCMenamin IV. Glo\. erj, Z. Nielsen in. Fairl I, S. \yslrnm (I. Gould!. D. Papas (I. White I. B. Potter (D. Schubertj, C. Richard (M. Dicksoni. I. Rinby (A. 'tnomsonj. L. Rorke ID. Clarkej, S. Stewai. I (K. \torley!. \I. Van Eps IL. (;utteridgel, J. webster IV. Sievensl. E. Wilson (B. Fraser). Ihe aim of excellence in all things is continuing today. As Saturday September 12th brought a special gi. oup of women oui' visit had unfortunately coincided with the Head of to the School. Exactly 50 yeai. s aoo we were 6th Foi. meis, River Carnival and BGGS was coinpetino for the first time senior students clui'ing ALisii'ajia's darkest year of World War she could not stay. She went to encouraoe the teams. Miss Williams kindly I'emained to an SWGi' all OUT queries. 2 FIFTY YEARS ON

Fifty years is a niilestone in anyone's language. and 1111'ee of us, Phyllis Bingei. mann (Heath), Dorothea B rightinan (Skelion) and I decided to galhei' together as many of us as possible to mai'k the occasion. The Scliool and 01<1 Gills' Association recor(is wei'e a gi'eat lielp. but several students (including girls who changecl their inline Ihi'ougli 1111/1'ringe) wei'e not on 111e list. As 6th Foitii consisted of 29 o1rls in 1942 anti 21 attende(I Ihe ReLinion. oLii' Lietective woi'k wars most effective. Three of the 111issin, , eight were absent through illness o1' distance. one was tieceased. mitt foul' had di!;tippeai'ed. 11 anyone knows the \vhei. Glibouis of Ednii Gummings. Janet Holmes. Nitoiiii Shiti'initii 1111d Viilmai Wi'igley please lei us know 11 was a glean clay 1101/1 begiiining 10 eii(I. Tile clies of '11 .. Isn't - yes it is! ' caine front each liew ill'1'1val as she greeteci tile o111ei\. found liei' nanic 1:1:1 tintl PIOgrain. anti wandei'cd Irisicie clown 111e Entrance Hall. 111 the Boardei's' Dining Rooiii (the Asseiiibly Hall \\, hell we wei'e ill Scliool) all wits leady toI'11/01'ning tea Mis H:incock gleetec1 111e past pupils, outlining the glowih 111e school nits niade over the Iiast 50 years ill numbers. building. equipment. and range or curl'ICUla. She assured us


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Cccil\ I, trimlc\, niaking a pi. esentaition to \Irs Hanc, ick


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