1992 School Magazine



School staff has made the tasks of the organisers much Gas- ier and for this they are forever grateful. it is with regret I announce the resignation of Susan

OLD GIRLS ' ASSOCIATION The Annual General Meeting held at the School on Monday 24th February and followed by supper, introduced the following committee to the coming year of old girls' activity Paula MCKellar Piesideni: Junior Vice President: Arabelle Clayden Jean Vallis Past President: Dorothy BOUTguignon Secretary: Assistant Secretary: Penny Smith Diane Wood Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: Sue Jordan Lyle Schwarien Committee: Sue Finh Barbara Hiley Annie Laver Lorraine Chesters Pain West Our first function for the year was an ambitious Sunday Brunch and Fashion Parade at 111e Lyrebird Restaurant on 17th May. Adult fashion by Principals Design Studio of Brisbane Arcade, City, accompanied by a delicious break- fast of fruits and cliainpagne, croissants, pastries and cof- fee brightened our rainy in o1'ning, but the highlight was the Kiddies' fashion by Peepo fi'om Koninore Gallery, Moggill Road, and modelled by an endearing group of Old Girls' off-spring. W. C. Fields was quite correct when saying 'never work with children and animals'. 'Upstaged' is the work that occurred to the adult models. The Annual Dinner, held at the Staff Club, University of Queensland, on Friday 4th September, again provided the venue for all amazingIy wide ranging group of Old Girls to share a most convivial evening. The guest speaker was Sheralyn Eaton (Miller) 1971-1975, who is presently the Principal Personnel Officer (Equity) with the Department of Resource Industries. Sheralyn has spent her' life, both professionalIy and personally, committed to the advance- merit of women, especially in the areas of health and sport, and this background formed the basis of her stimulating address. School Day offered the association the opportunity to pro- mole its 'wares' within the School community. A stall, dis- playing our memorabilia, membership information and most recent newsletter, was staffed by members of the committee who happily spent the day chatting to old girls who visited the school An open reunion on 14th November included a tour of the new Iudith A. Hancock Communications Centre. Our thanks to the girls who so willingly gave of their precious weekend time to show us the impressive facilities, unimag- ined by most old girls during their years at the school During the past year, a number of privately organised year reunions has been held at the school. The support, both in access to information and use of facilities given by the
















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1981 Reunion

Pechey from the writing of the history of Bi. is bane Girls' Grammar School. The project is now 'on hold' temporari- Iy, but all donations made to the original appeal are still being held for this special purpose. May I lake this opportunity to thank my committee, Mrs Hancock and staff, and the school groups who have sup- ported the Old Girls' throughout the year and to wish the Year 12 girls of 1992 every success in their studies and chosen careers.

Paula MCKellar


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