1992 School Magazine

On seven Satui'day evenings during the first and second terms we organised HOUSE BARBECUES foi' 111e fami- lies of students in Years 8 and 9. TITanks go to the Heads of House. the House Captains and the House Seniors, who gave us enthusiastic SLIPpoi'I, and helped 10 niake these Informal nights so enjoyable. We ntust also express oui' sincere gratitude to 111e 42 Mums and Dads who acted as host families. and ensured the evenings flowed alono without ITitches! Oui' ci'aft group continues to PIOsper, with a very willino and Ialented band of supporters. producing quality articles to sell. Mothers' Group sincei'ely appreciates the contribu- lions of these ladies. Friday mornings at Pullenvale are always friendly and enjoyable limes for those who come along 10 work willI the craft. Thank you 10 Angela' Lawson, who so willingly opens ITer 110me 10 lis on this regulai' basis; and congratulations 100, to Angela for her successful organisation of the ci'aft. We have Ileld a num- bel of stalls this year to vend our craft - at Easter, Mothers' Day, the Fundraising Lunch at SI Lucia, Spring Hill Fair and Open Day - and the profits have been most pleasing. We must thank Susan Martin, who opened lier lovely home and garden to us for. the Mothers' Day stall; and We ridy Croinbie who gives us a Denerous commission froni the sales of liei. jewellery Spi'ing came early for us o11 August 5th, when we held our major fundraising Iunclieoii at the SI Lucia Golf Links. We wei'e delighted with the attendance and the generous sup- port given to oui' activities. Our guest speakei' was Susan Hocking, WITo was warmly I'eceived by her audience. Once again this proved 10 be a very profitable day moneywise, and a very nappy day fellowship-wise !

it has been vei'y encoui'aging to see 111e SII'orig support 111ai has been given to the Group from niembei's of the scliool family, and foi 111is we say thank you. To 111e 28 me in bel's of the 1992 Committee, special thanks are due for. 11teir dedication and enthusiasm. in conclusion, we must expi'ess oui' sincei'e thanks to Mrs Hancock, for he I' strong suppoi'I and active interest ill our Group. To all mein bel's of the school staff we also say thank you for your assistance, coui'Iesy, and in telest Ihi. oughoui the year. FATHERS' GROUP in its 15th year since for11, ajion. the Fathei's' CIOup is enJoying visibly strong suppoi'I fi'o111 tile school coinmuniiy The higher PIOfile created by 111e 'staged' construction or the picket fence 11as helped 10 spread the knowledue of the type of suppoi'I the group has 11'adjiionally given to the school. Vai'led landscape projects. covei'ed links and the like nave dentonstrated the group's I'ange of skills. The varied pi'ores- SIons of gi'oup members have nieani that expertise and expel'leiice can be found 10 tackle in OSI projects. This year we have been foi'tunate in gaining valuable new me in bel's willI skills and enthLisiasm to ensure a healthy future The jinbil Support Gi'oup - now incoi'polared within 111e Fathers' Group - 11as maintained a steady PIOgl'anI of Improvements to this nTai'vellous facility. Undei' the direc- lion of Mr John Shenstone (the group's I'ecognised 'in over and shaker') areas Linder existing buildings have been cre- ated for precious storage and utility areas. John's input to the group has been simply extraordinary and on behalf of the "Fathers" and the school generally. I would like 10 inarik him sincerely. Meetings held on the fii'SI Tuesday of eacli montli, have maintained the 11' usual informality. These meetinos are coll- ducted after a nieal and refreslimenis and include discus- sion of future tictivities. Mrs Hancock joins us wheiievei possible and killdly I'GPoi'is school matters of interest to 111e group. WillI a numbei' of our regular, long standing niembers appi'oaching the end of theii' daughiei's' attendance tit BCGS. I would like 10 remind them that this is 110'excLise' for' leaving the gi'o11p. Your support and pailicularly your filendship are gi'Gaily appreciated. Geraldine Bellnett (President)


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The bring and bus. stall at the Susan H, Icking Lunch

Members Lit' the Mothers' Group nave been active in their suppoi. I of niany School Functions this yeai. , and we piesenily look foi'ward to lentilng SLIPpoi'I on Open Day. with oui' cake anti craft stalls, and oui' morning and after- noon teas. We are actively involved willI the ittrue of a blue topaz stone anti SIGi'ling silver bi'acelei. 10 raise fLiiids foi' the Building and Restoi'alloiT Appeal. So far this yeai'. we nave clonaled fLiiids to pi'ovide 70 flames 101' the display of studeni art in the Coiniiiunictitions Gentle. We nave also pui'chasecl four woi'ks by Ihe note(I AUSii'aliaii Printmakei', the late Barbara Haititiliiiii. 10 ticld to Ihe Scliool A1'I Collection. Mothei's' GIDup funds nave also been given towni'Lis tile consii'Liction of tile scliool clock and towel'

Many thanks to all foi. your contribution.

Trevor Lyricli (Pi'esident)

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