1992 School Magazine
MOTHERS' GROLIP Once again, the Mothers' Group has managed to fill the year with a variety of activities for members of the school family. We scheduled seven Iuncli meetings at the School, and these have been well attended. To Mrs Hancock and 111e members of Staff who were oui' guest speakei's on these occasions, we extend grateful thanks foi' tile opportunity to be Given first-hand information on School activities, improvements and innovations. We decided to vary the format of oui May meeting this year, and look Lip the challenge 10 discuss Women s Health Issues. This function, W. H. 1.1. M. as we christened it, was supported willI great enthusiasm; and our special thanks must o0 10 OUT wonderful gtiesi speakers, Drs Cherrell Hirst, Aidyih Love and Sheila O'NGill, who conducted a supeibly infoi'mative foruin. Oui. only I'egi'ei was a lack of time to covei' all topics, but hopefully we call take up whei'e we left off this year, early in 1993! The foi'Lim was followed by Iunc!I in the dining room for 200 ladies' To Mi' Ken WielalId and the kitchen staff gi. ateful thanks are due for all 111e extra work and effort they put 11/10 preparing a delicious nieal foi' all of us that day. 11 was delightful too, 10 nave the pi'erects lielping with table sei'vice
The Principal 11as recently been notified that the P & F Association will donate $100,000 to help complete the fit- ling out of one of the rooms in the recently opened Iudith A. Hancock Communications Centre. Once aoain, the Committee has to thank its Treasurer, Mr A1an Dann. and Assistant Treasurer, Mrs Lex Pietzner, for the woi. k thay nave done ovei. the last twelve months. This yeai', the Beandeseri Picnic Race Day tradition was revived, with great success. A very enthusiastic group of race o0ers an'Ived by bus and 4WD on the Labour Day Public Holiday, to set up their picnic tables for inspection by 111e judges. We are indebted to parents and friends who sponsored laces, and enabled us to make a small PIOfit foi' donation to the Restoration and Building Fund.
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Guest Speakers for W. H. 1.1. M. with Mothers' G, .uup President IL-R): Dr S. 0'Neill, Dr A. Love, Dr C. Hirsi, Mrs (;. Renneti
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Be audesert Picnic Races
Once again, the P & F organised the Yeai. Twelve V;Iledictoiy Dinnei' which was a memorable niglit foi. the gills and their parents. TITe Guest Speaker, Miss Elizabeth Jamieson, complemented the evening by liei' excellent speech. 'I'he P & F Association has to thank the PI'incipal, Mrs Hancock, foi' liei' continuing support ovei' the past year. We have also been most fo!'tunate to have had niost friendly and enthusiastic support from the School staff, which makes it so much easier for a volunteer organisation such as the P & F Association to function successfully Lloyd Tofi (President, P & F Association)
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Lunch after the \\'. H. 1.1. M.
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