1992 School Magazine


Mala Sirana, from the Old Town's late Gothic city centi. e. " "Eastern Europeans love classical niusic and love to drink coffee, and since I'm a 'coffeeholic', I fell light at nome. I enjoyed the opportunities to read, wi'ite postcards and relax in the wonderful coffee houses and despite a sluggish economy I was always awai'e of the great style with which Eastei'n Europeans go about theil' daily lives. woi'kino, din- ing and entertaining fi'iends and families. " The landmai'k CD whicli includes Mageau's Triple Concerto and works by the other three winning composers was released last yeai'. 1992 has been a 11Tusically rewarding yeai' for Mai'y Mageau. Two Impol'tant coinmissions, a set of Orchestral Variations for the Queensland Symphony Oldiesii'a. and Dialogues for the Univei'sity of Queensland's resident chamber ensemble Perehelion have been coinpleted. per- foi. med and highly acclaiined. Several of Mageau's chainbei. woi. ks have been recently I'eleased by EMI in Sydney on the Eva SOLind label and she all'Gady 11as a commission fi'Qin the Queensland PhilliainTonic Orchestra for 1993 Ovei' the past year, tile P & F Association 11as continued its regular activities in support of 111e School. Such functions as the "Welcome 10 New Year Eights" and the "Welcome to New Parents", which were omanised in conjunction willI the Mothers' and Falliers' GroLips, provided an excel- lent Introduction to 111e School 10 new uirls anti their pan Grits, and are very 111Licli appi'ecialed by them. TITe P & F's "business Gritei'pi. ises", the Tuckshop. Ihe CIOihing Silop and the Book alld Stationei'y Shops. are vei'y inucli part of school life. TITe!I' success tiepends on the Convenoi's ancl the voluntary helpers. who ensui. e Ihat the goods 1111d sei'vices are PIOvided ill a very reasonable cost. Tliis still enables the P & F to make some pi'Qins whicli it cliannels back 10 the Scliool, to I' the ongoing benefit of 111e girls. We in'e indebted 10 Rim Sedgwick. oui' TLickshop convenor. who won all All-Stales Conreciionei'y Coinpetition. anti clonaled the pi'ize ($2800) 10 the Restoration lintl B uildiiig Fund. Oui' considei'able lintincial SLIPpoi't 10 tile school has been maintainecl ovei' tile past yelli'. We livide a <10nalion of $100,000 10 the Born'cl of Ti'11stees. to1'1he School Budget. This was 10 assisi Ihe Boili'<1 Inaintaiii its budgetary plans. following all Liiiexpeciecl ILinding shoriftill as a I'usuit of the Slate Govei'limeni's withdi'awal or the 257. Governiiient subsidy foi' Gininiiiai' School capiial works Tile P & F Execuiive Coinmiiiee nits been approached till'ectly by some of the School SPOTiing clubs. 101' tintincial assisiance. tint1 11as been nappy to lielp. 11 gave $520 10 the Hockey Club. to bLiy two shatle awnings. to I' use o11 nialch days. anti $2065 to 111e fledgling Rowing Club 10 buy a pulli 1/1/<1 outboar(I nioioi'. PARENTS AND FRIENDS' ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED













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Mary \lageau

The splendid new Iudith A. Hancock Communications Centre. a tribute to the vision of 111e Pi. incipal, was official- Iy opened on July 17 by the Ministei' for Education, Mr Paul Braddy. TITe 111usical higltlighi of 1111s auspicious occasion was 111e specially commissioned Celebratory Fanfare for brass, pel'cussion. wind and two synthesisei's by distinguislied Queensland composei' Mary Mageau. performed with flail' anti polisli by Music students of the scliool. "11 was for me a vei'y moving occasion. " said 111e composer. Bi'Ishane based composer Mary MaceaLi 11as enjoyecl niaiiy successes, but nothing compared willI the thrill SIIe experi- enced on nearing that her Triple Concerto for Piano Trio and Orchestra, 11ad won hioh commendation in the 1990 Vienna Modern Masters' Recordiiig Award She I'ecalls, "I was tielirious. This coinposiiion was a coin- missioiT for the Dalling Downs Ti'io. Andiew Lorenz (vio- jin). Gal'y Williams (cello) anti Welldy Loi'enz (piaiio), and was piemiei'ed by the Dai'ling Downs Ti'io and QLieensland Sympliony 01'chem'a. ill the final 1990 Twentietli Centuiy Orchestiti Selles he1<1 ill the ABC's Fei'ry Roac! Music Centre. " "Never tiltl I tileain that \vilen I submitiecl a tape of that peltoi'mance to the <1isiin !!uished international jui'y in Vienna 111ai we all would be off in API'i1 1991 10 ILilfil con- cell tintl I'ecoi'ding commitiiienis in Eastei'11 EUi'ope alld Vienna. " VMM is 11 piesti!!jous I'ecoi'ding conipany tiedicalc(I 10 pionioiiiig music in its Iai'ge forms. by living coinposers Mageau's woi'k was clioneii along willI foul'teen others, 101 special c urnmendaiioii fi'o111 11 nulldi'ec! tint! sixty-o He Grill'ICS I'epreseiiiiiig twenty-five couiili'ies. SITe wars invited 10 supei'vise Ihe I'ecorcling anti editiiig of liei' \voi'k in Ihe VMM\ Biniislavii Studios. "I \\, its lionoLii'ec1 10 lentl tin Austinliaii PI'esence. " site said. "Plugue Is lily clioice 101' ille liveliest city ill EUi'ope. " saltl Mageau. "11 Is 1111 ill'chileclui'e anti Illstoi}' lesson collie 11'Lie willI the henuiiful Moldii\, River separating tile inertiev;!I Hardeany Castle district anti 110ble Bai'oquc 1101/1es of tile


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